So THIS is the Mad Cuban fucker who said everyone on the East Coast is ugly?

0  2017-01-20 by TonyFromLongIsland


Fucking Opetta looking retard.

Stop making threads.

Now that's not nice.

quit making stupid threads dumbass

This is the 2nd thread I've made today.

Cuban? If this nigga ain't Jewish then he should probably just kill himself.

Well he is from the east coast so he is proving the point.

Didn't Crackhead Bob die?

C'mon now, I'm dundy!

This dudes over the top forced ass laugh is worse than Stavros' machine gun giggle, and Adams inhale seal laugh combined. Both of which, along with the hilarious Nick Mullen, can be heard on the Cumtown Podcast available free once a week on iTunes, also premium cumtent can found over on