Like my mother, Norton thinks I don't know what I'm talking about.

0  2017-01-20 by Shady_Jake


I replied to one of his "viral video tweets" being a smartass & telling him to get off his phone and focus on the show for the 3 hours a day he works. He replied with this.

Did you get all nervous when you saw his little profile pic in your inbox?

He's literally shaking (his dick)

Jim does prep before the show but it's mostly bull.

Jim's prep is his Uber ride, where he grunts in the back seat like a chick with period cramps, cause he doesn't like the way the guy is driving...then he rants on air about every turn, stop sign, and crowded street.

sniff Not so easy is it LAMB CHOP?

Like Norton, your mother sucks a lot of unclipped cocks.

Runs in the family.