
22  2017-01-19 by Crownenberg





He's to cool and hip to wear camo or some other outdoors type of cloths maaaaahhhnnnn

What you don't think he dresses appropriately for a 50 year old man?


Its rare to get a forest elf on film.

Yeah. You beat me to it. Totally brings back pre-teen AD&D memories.

I wish Bigfoot was real so it could jump out from behind one of those trees and eat Joe like a Triscuit.

he's such an insecure litte dude

You got one tree looking one way, one tree looking another and then you have this Rogan guy saying, "wadda ya want from me"!

where is that Rogan guy you are talking about. I do not see him. Is this some where is Waldo shit? Cause thats gay.

Now imagine if the government tried to ban all of this

Little Rogan, Big World

He's at least 5' 5" with his lil' booties on. Nice try with the hate though.


And no wig!

You don't think it's cool to wear long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts?

I do! It definitely doesn't make you look like a douchebag when you're a middle aged man.


Are you following me?

Yes and I'mma continue til I find that pot of gold at the end of the raining, If you get my meaning...

I wear long sleeve shirts under short sleeve shirts under long sleeve shirts.

Woahhh... #shirtception amirite, fellas?

My dog just died while watching Inception. Right in the feels. Someone cutting onions. Well, that's enough internet for me today.

Aww! The feels on the bus go round and round...

are you guys mocking something or is this just off the cuff really gay shit to say?

GOML, fam.

I wear pants under my shorts.

Cargo pants?


What are you some kind of fatcat!

William Randolph HEARST

Midget Ewok looking motherfucker.

You ever think about the Happening? I was taking mushrooms in my tank and was like "I gotta go fight nature on its own turf before it gets to us."

Finding Bigfoot: Season 5.

Littlefoot vs Bigfoot.

Joe Rogan the little mushroom hunter.

He's on the yellow brick road waiting to greet Dorothy.

Killer wallet chain man!

natures a bad muthafucker

Is that a Halfling in an AD&D forest campaign?

Does Joe drink? He always has a puffy hangover face.

Yes, but he takes OnIt Shroom Tech and Alpha Brain with Bullet Proof Coffee and DMT to stay sharp after a hard night of drinking until he feels taller.

i stopped wearing long john tops under t shirts in 4th grade.

Trees are just fuckin weird man. They're just growing without any brain or nervous system, it's fuckin crazy

Cool shot from Rise of The Planet of the Apes.

Cool,someone finally got a picture of little Foot.

Were monkeyyyys! its craaaaazy. you ever try a pot lollipop?

GOML, fam.