The Sam & Jim Show listening thread (2017-01-19)

7  2017-01-19 by Wolosocu

Opening the show talking about musicals. This is gonna be great.


This must be a replay because these cunts couldn't possibly be having the same exact unfunny, lame discussion about La La Land that they had last week.

not the same exact discussion, now the Travis Dawg has watched the first 30 minutes.

but had to turn it off before his wife came home because she isn't a fan of musicals. Trav Dawg is such a alpha

that's a depressing window into his life

It really is, not to mention the dog in the background gasping for air

So at what point do we admit that it is all over except torturing all of them:

Opie is a cunt.

Anthony is a pedophile tranny fucking biter.

Jimmy steals money from his fans.

They are all pieces of shit who equally deserve all the hate this sub can summon.

This sub was worrying me buy is coming around....Jim and Sam is absolutely terrible. I have. It listened to any of Opies shows. I watched clip of him and AntH talking and that is all. I have tried to listen to Jim and Sam and it is awful. Sam Roberts is the unfunniesy cunt radio host maybe ever. Jim is a different guy from who he was years ago.

Jim used to be snappy, lively, sharp, brutal at times and was the quickest reactionary guy there is. Now he's just a droning old whine bag who over-uses his characters as a crutch, doesn't put effort in and now seems like the old fuddy-duddy who doesn't get what's cool.

Do a lot of people watch the shows youtube videos? Other channels put the whole show up. I was just wondering.


If you don't like it don't listen to it.

Sir, if you read my post, I am admitting to doing just that. I used to listen to Opie, AntH and Jim every day. I would listen to the entire show. I used to love Jimmy. I would even, for the most part, suffer through Opie and Jimmy's show so I could still listen to Jim. But, Sam Roberts, for me, does a terrible job. I do not think that he is interesting, quick-witted, particularly smart, funny, etc. Jim is amazing when he has someone that can work with him in to doing what he does best. Sam just does not do that. Last thing: Sam said last week that he "doesn't care of another grown man is disappointed in him". That is fair and accurate. Then,, he said, "ooohhh I hope the listeners aren't disappointed either, that would really hurt." The listeners are the reason he has a fucking gig.

I can't help but think you could've shortened this quite a bit.

You listened to Opie and Jim??? Die.

You don't like Sam. We fucking get it you long winded faggot

This got a lot of down votes but he's fucking right. Jim's the only reason anybody watches JAM. Sam is a hole, a bore and a weasel. He stinks and I don't like him.

Such a boring, non-contributing comment

Why don't you come back here and shut up.

Nibble my ass-hair

Didn't Opie and Anthony do the stupid fertility test thing in the 90s and even did like a Jocktober or something about how dumb it was?

I think it was called the sperm bowl and they did it around when the super bowl that year was happening

douche chill runs down my spine

i remember opie had low sperm count

I can't get over how little chemistry Jim and Sam have. It's not as bad as Opie and Jim but it is shockingly close.

We really are just unpleasable cunts. Jim and Sam is the same show as it was three months ago when everyone here was praising the chemistry between them.

Sam isn't a genius (I balled up my fists when he called MI6 "M16"), but no one associated with the shows has ever been a towering intellect.

nigga didn't even play Goldeneye.

Look at how realistic it is! -me in 1997 with my friend Nick.

How old were you in 1997 and do you have any photos of you on a very hot day preferably at the beach thanks

I think if we had known we were going to get the same exact show every single day for three months we probably would have tempered our excitement a bit. As it stands, Sam comes off as an uncomfortable O&A fanboy trying his best to interact with one of his idols.

I like Jim and I like Sam but its not a good show. You're right its the same it was 3 months ago but it wasn't good then either. I think people just wanted to like it cause everyone hate opie so much.

I only liked it when they talked about Opie.

Patrice was Aristotle incarnate.

I think we were all under a nopie cloud of delusion. We were so happy that fat titted hack was out that we willed ourselves into enjoying JAM. After a few months we're now listening on merit. And it ain't good...

I started listening to Jim and Sam before I started going back to the O and A tapes, and I think they have great chemistry. I am a hardcore stern fan, and I now make sure to listen to Jim and Sam no matter what, and I'll skim through new Howard...I guess that last part isn't saying much

Jim was all in with the name change to Faction Talk last year. Sam even claimed to have suggested it.

Now Jim's saying it sucks because it doesn't say anything about the content of the channel. Even Denny doesn't like it.

They're still beating the "another show" thing into the ground.

Jim's obsession with Opie is really troubling and his passive aggressive shots are pathetic and illustrate the coward he is.

Aside from not having his cock out, Jim spends his time at work doing the same thing he does at home: obsessively looking at his phone and only occasionally participating in reality. His show is terrible because he thinks just showing up to work is enough.

I don't know, his subtle jabs at Opie make my loins tingle

Pic please

He's a sad old man.

He's really quick to make sure everybody knows opie has no bearing or influence over their show.

shouldnt have done that, people used to put the blame 100% on opie for onj

It was a good morning, I had some leftover Benningtons on-demand and I didnt need to resort to this dreck. I even was productive.

I bet u/bick_bickerson tuned in to listen to this faggotry

Whatever, I like ONE musical and it's about a revolutionary war.

shouldnt have done that, people used to put the blame 100% on opie for onj