Ashley Judd DESTROYS cbanks420 [3:02]

13  2017-01-19 by Ant_Sucks


Wow, did you hear that wicked slam she came back with? So brave.

And then they all knew to clap. Because girls yaaayyy. Were just as good as men except we try way less hard and suck ass but just as good

wish i could get me some girlpower

Yassssss queen

Because even I... internalize the patriarchy.

Why does she phrase it like that, if not to imply that she's somehow above, or different from, the rest? These self-important celebrities are so far up their own asses.

Her speech is filled with those awkward pauses. She is an actor so she is trying to make her nonsense more dramatic

Without a director she doesn't know how to be compelling. It's one of the funnier parts about this

I don't get it, so broads and fags are allowed to insult men and get what sounds like a standing ovation but the other way around gets a reaction similar to finding a mass grave full of molested puppies?

damn, she's gorgeous.

20 years ago

she still looks great to me.

Does the smell of grandma and desert dry vagina get you hard? She might be the gal for you

I love it!


She's dry.

You would still fuck her

They act like their lives are so hard because someone said mean shit to them online... people slave 3 jobs to pay their bills and feed their kids yet these out of touch celebrities want to preach to us about how hard their lives are. I hope someone ties her to a chair and fills her old lady pussy with concrete.

You have way with words, my friend.

I'll do it 😍

People work multiple jobs, then on their day off they go online and mock celebrities. When the celebrities are hurt by it, they feel like they have the moral standing to lecture to commoners. Meanwhile, celebrities are nothing more than fodder for us to kick around when we're bored. What celebrities are truly being over-paid for is, selling your own life and body like a prostitute for you to become a household name everyone kicks around in conversation, invading their personal lives with cameras. Selling your name and entire life. They ain't making millions because it's hard to play pretend for a video camera. They get paid to alter their bodies with workouts, sure. That's selling your body, like a slut.

I won't be lectured to by sluts, you got that Ashley Judd?

Goddamit I'm glad you're back.

From your lips to god's ears Grizx!

The internet was a vicious, mean place long before celebrities got on it. These idiots play pretend for a living so they don't understand that the internet isn't real, but it's not going to become a safe space at this point.

The internet was a vicious, mean place long before celebrities got on it. These idiots play pretend for a living so they don't understand that the internet isn't real, but it's not going to become a safe space at this point.

The internet was a vicious, mean place long before celebrities got on it. These idiots play pretend for a living so they don't understand that the internet isn't real, but it's not going to become a safe space at this point.

I think the same thing whenever comedians talk about the "sacrifices" they make doing road gigs. They're all whiney bitches.

Carlton is a saint, The patron saint of bursting these celebrity bubbles. They live their lives in beautiful hollywood surrounded by yes men telling them their farts smell live cinnamon and that they're always right... and here comes big bad Carlton and his cohorts destroying their egos with 180 keystrokes.

Is she really quoting Cbanks?

most likely

When you put it that way, we do sound a bit disheveled.

Everybody else is the problem.

If the internet was real i might be concerned

Some people just don't understand poetry.



How devoid of entertainment were you that you made it three minutes into this shit in the first place?

Comments disabled on the video... weird!

Man I bet she sucks cock well.

Women are not fit for society.

To quote /u/andycumiashow, "women are objects"

Wow, she looks like shit

Hard to believe that ugly cunt was a dime piece at one point. Get more work done, grandma

"And my beautiful sexuality, does not pornography make."

Then why are you so ashamed of the images/refer to the act as revenge pornography?

Train? Why would you go to the trouble of being so british and then not call it a trolley

I'm Australian, retard.

"Nice try. Pretty sure you're just a DICK."



probably the only person out there wittier than jim norton

Ugh arent bitches just awful.

Cunt is a universal bla bla but im sure youre a dick internationally. And they clap like a bunch of hens. Yay girl power. Ugh die. Get back to cooking, Woman.

The epitome of femisnism. Making sure some old famous cunt isnt called a cunt online for being a cunt. Ashley judd is a cunt

I never realized how much women make me sick until that applause break. Ugh cunt. Birthe a boy child and die you house for a utarus

what the fuck is this shit

I cannot stress this enough - Ashley Judd was possibly the prettiest actress in Hollywood well into the 2000s.

Her looks fell off a cliff.

I think she still looks quite fine; especially for being nearly 50-years-old.

But then again, I have nothing against women who look older than 19.

What are you a queermo or sumthin?

Married to a Scot for 14 years- who left her because she's a cunt.

And what?

Men don't get abused online? Fucking stupid cunts always gotta make it about themselves.

Tss fuckin good one.

She's gonna be even worse than Amy and Lena combined this year

God I want to bang that slut bag.

It's like when Marion told Bob Levy "We ain't cunts but you might be a real dick!" That was an epic smash from the helmet-haired fool.

God this is a wake-up call to get my life together, I'm seething with anger at 3:44 am because ashley judd is a piece of shit, i hate when people think they have made this like snarky comeback and are patting themselves on the back even though there comeback is gay as shit, why can't she know she's a cunt. And she fucking threatened legal action against twitter trolls for saying mean shit, really? ashley judd i hope you read this even though i'm just some shithead faggot I want you to know that I want to rape you in your cunt, you deserved to be raped by bobo's weird dick

this video is about how the trolls don't matter right

so why are the comments and ratings disabled

the internet has been a cesspool of insults and death threats since its creation

but then as soon as it became "mainstream", and women started using it, suddenly it's a serious issue and must be stopped.

i hate, hate, hate women. fuck off and die.

My TED talk would be going up on stage and announcing that her husband left her, and Trump is president, then walk off.

Actually, you could just read out things she said: She does not have any kid and actually said this: "it's unconscionable to breed with the number of children who are starving to death in impoverished countries". Her husband divorced her in 2013, remarried and had a baby girl within two years.

She's has years for the chance to adopt.