Watching seinfelds doc Comedian. This orny adams is a giant faggot

8  2017-01-18 by stinksskc

Hes insanely cocky and psychopathic. Hes not funny at all he just parrots funny things. There's this scene where hes bragging about being in the paper onstage and hes mad at the audience because they didn't see it. Its on youtube


he never became successful anyways.

I don't know who that is, but yeah he's an unfunny douche.

yeah he stinks

I remember him saying something like "I don't want to just be another Steven Wright". Mission accomplished.

When he's on stage and says how Mexicans are the most buoyant people in the world then lies down on the stool was arguably the most cringeworthy "joke" I've ever had the misfortune to see.

He had the joke with the stool as his cellphone too, later he was acting like he was such a genius using his shoe instead.

Haha just so cringeworthy. It's been a while but when one of his jokes, pretty sure it was the paper one, bombed he goes "comedy doesn't work this early, it needs to be at night."


I remember seeing it when it came out, I thought Seinfeld was totally using him as an example of a shitty comic who sucks in comparison to some of the other workhorses. I mean he didn't come out an say it, but I always felt he intentionally picked someone to demonstrate how crazy some comedians are.

Nobody named Orny ever was or ever will be remotely funny.

Orny sounds a lot like Opie

I remember a scene from that show. Seinfeld is explaining ,I think, a band whose plane had to land in the middle of a field in the winter. They are walking through the snow and find a house. They peek in the windows and there's a family inside all seated at dinner. It's a perfect Norman Rockwell painting. One of the band members turns to the other and say "who could live like this!?? And they moved on.

This was told to describe certain professions like comedy where you just think 180 degrees opposite of the general Public

that guy had all the opportunity in the world and he blew it by being a tool. at first i hated him, but now i just sort of feel bad for him. that was a great doc either way

The way he was talking to shapiro blew my mind


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