Suddenly thick skinned Matarese acknowledges he bombed

20  2017-01-18 by unclepaul84


Lol you've really been fueled by Joe today.

"The social media raping was jarring but fun now." confirmed Joe Matarese thinks rape is fun.

"No problem getting ripped on. Love it!"

Is Opie running this guy's twitter?

He is Opie.

Time for a shitload of backpedaling from ol' bombin Joe. Don't think he realizes no one liked him before

It was worse than a bombing. It was an epic miscalculation. He should've buried the audio and never let it see the light of day.

He kept doing that during the show too.

Joe: gets mad at Jim for making jokes Look at Jim setting himself up for punchlines. Artie: Well, yeah, why shouldn't he?? Joe: No, it's hilarious! I love it.

He certainly does not "love it".

Yeah all those jokes are funny and I'm happy that you guys get laughs. But I'm married to a doctor and you guys can't keep a relationship going.

I'm doing great in life because I'm married and you aren't.

I'm having problems in my marriage and career, can you guys stop being funny and help me with both? Additionally, I have a micropenis and no balls.

I started watching that episode, and couldn't get pat ten min. What happened that was so bad?

He gets all butt-hurt because jim and ant stole the show

during the show he becomes visibly upset?

Yeah it's actually pretty awkward. Anthony compares him to Opie at one point. The whole thing is worth watching

Ok, thanks. I'll give it another go

You mean Artie and Jim stole the show. Ant was almost equally horrible.

I thought he was killing it based solely off the crowd's reaction. Same way I could tell he was bombing at the big jay roast


Remember the part of the show when he waved his hands to remind the comics that the show was about him? Or when bashed them with the "you might be funnier than I am, but at least I've been married for 11 years" comeback?

This is the punching bag this sub deserves.

I really would like to see the sub spend an unnecessary amount of time dismantling him through all avenues.

why is he just saying this now

He did acknowledge it though and it really happened before his video got leaked. He's still a massive fool, but he's right on this minor technicality. Look it up!

Yeah right, even after bellyaching that somebody "stole" his $2.99 podcast.. It was GOLD because he is so bad, this is like a dry run of O&A 2.0 with 2-3 Kings and 1 unfunny piece of shit. It was AMAZING!

Materese needs to grow up and get a real job, Comedy is not his thing. After 27years he does not get it..

Red bar was right for attacking him, and Keith is the real MVP of douchebaggery in all this and needs to fucking go already, Keith is the reason why TACS is in the doldrums of mediocrity now acting like a terrestrial radio PD...

Basing your brand on "free speech" and then get caught behind the scenes squelching what your "FREE" talent can and cannot say is a bunch of faggotry and everyone should cancel until he is gone.

The only thing worse than being a delicate Faggot is compensating for it in false bravado. Fuck off Joe.

In case you don't know, Joe has kids...