If you needed more reasons to hate Joe Matarese..

39  2017-01-18 by TonyFromLongIsland


He's literally holding some pill props to show off how strung out and neurotic he is.

parent yumah

That could only be more hack if it was a rubber chicken.

This isn't real, right? Please tell me you made this

If only I had any sort of talent, son.

wait, so that's not a spoof graphic showcasing a better looking Opie and an Uncle Paul dressed up as Ted of Ted's Comedy Emporium?

He really does look similar to the Opster.

No humor, responds to jokes with a personal attack, passive aggressive, makes it about himself even if it kills the flow, values himself (and others) based on marital status and having a family. Opie sucks.

Aye nay! He's at The Leonard!

this idiot seems like the kind of person that could genuinely and publicly lose it if he is consistently harassed

Is that our cue?

No, no but seriously, don't you guys feel lke you're disconnected?
I mean this isn't even a serious conversation.

His comments are somehow worse than the graphic

You know what dude, you find a decent gal, you put a ring on her finger, she has a couple of your children, you pull your hair out trying to raise them, but then maybe one Saturday January 28th you hire a babysitter for the evening, you and the wife drive down to The Leonard, wife lets you order a few beers but you gotta drive home, Joe Matarese is up on stage sharing playful anecdotes about how frustrated his kids make him, you relate to that cause your kids frustrate you, but at the end Joe lets you know they're just jokes and deep down he loves his kids more than anything in the world, and you relate to that most of all. Then you drive home, discover the babysitter invited over a few gentlemen while you were out, find both your children have been mutilated in a PCP-fueled drug rage, your wife's having a mental breakdown as she cuddles the lifeless body of your youngest daughter screaming no, but you're cursing yourself because you could have prevented this by going to Scottsdale in Arizona, just a lovely 3-day vacation where you can squeeze in a couple dad rounds of golf while everyone else is at the zoo, then on that January 28th evening you could have gone to Standup Scottsdale to see Rich Vos perform standup comedy, if only you had gone to Scottsdale your wonderful children would still be alive, but you choose to attend the Miserable Dads tour so now it's time to decide on an appropriate suit to wear to your children's funerals.

I have nothing smart or funny to say to you, that was fucking hilarious.

I hope he embraces his bombing and tags every joke with "...and that's why you guys are single"

You think he's going to bomb? Look at the guy with his meds. Fucking edgy. I bet he's got a Prozac joke there.

I fucking hate Shuli. He really thinks that he is up there with the best of em. IMHO Id rather listen to Lisa G tell jokes.

i'd eat cottage cheese out of lisa g's unwiped ass

Lisa G takes shits at work.

Jesus a bunch of Howie faggots on this board now.

Reverend Bob Levy?

He had the comedic timing of Eric the Midget .

So impeccable then?

You don't understand dude. He's been doing comedy for 20 years. He gets so damn jealous when comedians catch a break.

Every parents needs a little "medicine" to get through the day. Maybe even a glass of boxed wine! This guy is good.

When did Shuli pick up this mid-life crisis gay shit? I always remembered him to be an okay guy.

Nah he's always been a twat.

He seemed to have his shit together on Stern's show, I didn't think he was such a hack.

He's always been a hack. The only way he can draw an audience is by having wack packers or riding the coattails of other Stern staff members.

Could be. I've only seen him on Howie TV and he seemed like a nice fella, who made me laugh here and there. But apparently he's a faggot.

"Shalom bitches"

Fuck Shuli.

Wow that's terrible. Two guys doing comedy needs to have a theme? Just put on a hat and go on tour you shallow cunt.

"We're two guys..."

yellow discipline tour never forget

Shuli Egar sounds like a Jim character. probably sounds like gregg Schinkle

So this is what passes for entertainment in Scranton?20 bucks wtf?

Matarese belongs on Opie's show along with Florentine

"What are you, five?" - Florentine

"I'm emotionally five" - Opie

"I'm still working on a solid five" - Matarese

The west coast stole almost all of the good east coast comics. I legit feel bad for you people.

I didn't, but you provided a great one anyway.

ShuLi eGaR iS A mAn oF lOWeR sToCk

I thought it said Edgar, too. ThIs cOMedY sHOw loOKS fUNny.....APRhel fALLs

Shuli is so fucking funny, one kd the best.

Shuli is the guy that should have kept his day job.Ira is funnier, and he's fuckn retarded.

More proof that I'm right...99% of "comics" out there are unfunny faggots and I hope they all die in various tragic ways

Nah he's always been a twat.