Can somebody explain the shit going on with Compound Media, Mike from Red Bar, Keith the Cunt, Joe Matarese etc?

3  2017-01-18 by Dawgsie

I feel it's my duty to be aware of these things, but I don't actually understand what's going on as I don't listen to many of the shows these days, and I don't subscribe to CockPound Media.

First person to provide detailed enlightenment, I'll suck your dick.


Red Bar made fun of a Joe Matarese podcast on his own bonus show. Joe Matarese got his agent to winge and say to Compound Media that he and Artie (same agent) won't appear on Compound as long as Mike Red Bar is on the network. Gavin came on in the morning and pretty much said Mike was fired. Mike flipped out and tweeted all his DMs and emails from Keith and resigned. Ant came on in afternoon and pretty much confirmed Red Bar is kicked off Compound.

Can I nut in your mouth sweetie ?

Not yet, but you're in first place at the moment.

What happened to the freedom of speech shit that Ant is always talking about? Isn't that wildly hypocritical and against his entire mission statement?

And plus, when Mike was tweeting on those emails & DMs in the morning after Gavin's statement, Ant jumped in on Twitter and said he had no idea what was going on, that Mike wasn't fired and that Compound Media is for 100% freedom of speech .... Then a few hour later, Ant goes on his show and completely negates everything he just said on Twitter.

What part of that did Ant say he was fired because I didnt hear that in there.

I never said Ant tweeted Mike was fired. I didn't write that in there.

Nice edit

What? What edit? Dope ....

Basically it's high school girls shit

So just like everything on this sub?

Joe Mararese got butthurt, red bar made fun of him then got fired, Anthony fucked a tranny.

We had a problem. We tried to do everything we could. Redbar...he's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it. He's gone and that's it.

Fucking love Harry Potter quotes.

Yer 'ah faggot Harry!

The only point you need to commit to memory is that Red Bar is untalented and insignificant. Do not tolerate mentions of his name. Regardless of the unacceptable behavior of Anthony and his Keith, it doesn't make Red Bar tolerable or acceptable.

"Ccchh. Psshh. You just don't know the background. He's a pissed off mother freaker who's out for blood because he had his comedy club TAKEN from him! What goes around comes around, ladies. Look, sunglasses, a goatee and a cigarette carelessly dangling. He's back, and back in action! Watch out, it's nothing personal... he's coming... to critique... YOU!"

You look like Mancow. sniff Leave it alone.

What the fuck are you talking about?

We're talkin' Red Bar here, sonny. I used direct names and refrained from vague pronouns. Can ya follow the context of sentences?

The only point of this story you need to commit to memory is that Red Bar is untalented and insignificant.

Yeah, it's really the quote on the middle that's confusing me. Also, the Mancow part.

He looks like Mancow and his cartoon logo is a ripoff of Mancow's cartoon logo, and even Maxwell's.

You know Reddit works right? You scroll down and you'll find all the answers you're seeking, there's even a video posted somewhere around here that has Ant explaining everything.

Yeah, I know how it works.

Consider this though. I don't know who the fuck Mike from Red Bar or Joe Materase are, don't listen to Ants show, never seen Gavins, and don't want to follow Keith on Twitter... yet I see numerous posts on a situation involving them all. Had a brief look, all seemed confusing and could easily be summed up by somebody in the know.

I used Reddit to my advantage, whether you like my method or not.

Now please use a hammer to your advantage, and apply it to your face.