Red Bar put up the Joe Matarese episodes that got him taken off Cuma's network.

68  2017-01-17 by wadall


To be fair, this was just the last drop and it's irrelevant what exactly it was. Keith would have fired him soon anyway.

I hope you have your last drop soon too.

I saw this live, it was hilarious

Was it?

Some of the best radio I've heard since O&A. That Joe Matarese podcast was so fucking cringe.

i had shit to do, and stayed on. i live in europe, so it was saturday morning at 6 when the stream finished.

Where in Europe?

Well it's certainly not Britain 😢 I miss being part of Europe


We're still part of Europe. And I sincerely doubt we'll actually leave the EU.

Don't worry the great infighting war over the shortage of tea biscuits due to brexit is going to break out. I imagine broken beer bottles being the standard issued melee weapon of choice

The place that likes to start World Wars.

aber natürlich

Hayat böyle...

döner durüm

It was OK. Didn't feel like a real conversation though. Maybe that's why their single. But seriously..

We don't have to click on the link to know that the show sucks.

We get it. You're still mad that Opie and Anthony split up and now everyone sucks but you still listen to everything in the Cumia verse. You're the average O&A subredditor.

No, I don't care. The only thing entertaining from any of these shows is making fun of how horrible they/you are.

No you people have a problem. You guys are like a child who's parents just got divorced so you hate everything they do but secretly you still love them.

When you say "you people" are you telling me you don't like brown skin individuals on your sub?

I hate people who can't admit they are still fans and claim to "hate watch" all the shows.

I don't watch or listen to any of the shows.

Yea nobody on this sub does. But somehow it always has the latest news about Cumia.

You finally understand. Somebody posts stuff and other people read it. You're still a retard but at least you're functioning.

No I get it. You guys all just lurk and actually hate the shows. Sure.

Gold please.

Redbar sucks, get over it





We get it. You're still mad that Opie and Anthony split up and now everyone sucks but you still listen to everything in the Cumia verse. You're the average O&A subredditor.

You really think you're special because you're a self proclaimed Proud Boy and a Redbar fan who recently discovered this sub? Why are you even here?

Wow, your an incredible faggot Oh man, this stuff is gold, it just doesnt stop

Do you know what Gavin would do to you if he knew one of his little proud faggots posted in a Zelda subreddit? You should honestly delete your reddit account. Its hilariously cringe worthy.

I'm flattered you went through my entire account.

Wow. Scary.

That's pretty nice of him

Keith is a retarded cuck, but that doesn't make Red Bar good.

The enemy of my enemy is my ...

The enemy of my enemy is still a no-talent retard who coasts on gossip as opposed to coming up with actual content.

Wow. You Proud?

It takes a very special kind of dumb not to understand the concept of having no dogs in a fight.


He's like the Northern Alliance or Hezzbolah.


It is (or was) the only listenable show on Compound

That's like being the only fuckable leper.

Redbar is the only show that is closest to being what the old O&A was, everybody else is a dickless coward.

He wasn't taken off off the network. Mike emailed him to quit the network. It's in his twitter

fuck off with this red bar shit.

(Make sure to check out part 3 for for the grand finally – must see!)

God damn it I hate dumb people.

Thanks for the tip that you uploaded them, Red Bar. I will be sure to not check them out because you're as talented as a youtuber.

You are welcome. Catch me Fridays at 4pm to watch more.

Red Bar's voice is the worst.

Joey Danza

Keith is an idiot. If Anthony has any blls he will fire Keith, replace him with LITERALLY ANYONE and rehire Red Bar

Which way, Bosco or U-Bet?

His whole episode was just critiquing another podcast? Holy fuckin hack. Either this dude is devoid of any original idea or he tries too hard to pander to this type of crowd.

first time ive listened to him, not bad, when is he going to be joining the network?


Tried to listen to redbar. But the fuck has a air horn in his sound board and pushes that fucking button every 30 seconds ...bwAAAAAAAHHHP!!.... made the show unlistenable.

I never really liked any Redbar clips I saw, and the guy's Mancow voice always annoyed me, but I actually laughed a bunch of times watching this. I'm not quite sure what to think.

The short Redbar shows are not particularly interesting but the longer after shows where Mike deconstructs some mongoloids life are great.

Halfway through the Mattress evisceration and already I like Red Bar more than Gavin.

Yea nobody on this sub does. But somehow it always has the latest news about Cumia.

The enemy of my enemy is still a no-talent retard who coasts on gossip as opposed to coming up with actual content.

Where in Europe?


He's like the Northern Alliance or Hezzbolah.