Marc Maron has Daddy issues. Did a grown man really write this?

38  2017-01-16 by Ant_Sucks


I am embarrassed for him...

Was that before or after this?

Words of a man who made excuses for bloody sheets to his mother, to protect what his father and uncles did to him on poker night.

The last sentence was probably meant to be ironic on some level, but it just exposes even further what an embarrasment this guy is.

He talks extensively about his daddy issues. You're not too familiar with Maron, huh?

I remember him mentioning his father suffering from mental health issues, and they had a complicated relationship. Judd Hirsch played his father in his TV show, so I just thought it was just one of those neurotic relationships. I realize now he's the mentally ill one.

You'd all be dead if it wasn't for my son Marc!

what kind of a 50 year old makes the first season of his tv show all about his daddy issues? it seemed like he wrote the first season when he was 18 but only got around to producing it when he was 50. only way i can explain a 50 year old torturing himself like a teenager regarding mommy/daddy issues

Progressive liberals are stunted emotionally

I don't doubt that his father is a little selfish, but after listening to Marc for a long time and even hearing the episode where Marv interviews his dad, I have a feeling that their problems are 80% Marc and 20% his father's fault.

I think his mom's the crazier one and Marc just took her side in the split.

Oh boy, is this a liberal comedian waxing poetic about how the issues they have with Donald Trump? What a rare find!

He already relates him to his "daddy". What a cuck.

"trump reminds me of my daddy and i hate my daddy"- liberal jew comedian

Could be middle age. It took me to be around 40 before I stopped rationalizing my father's behavior and being an apologist for him. It really never hit me on a conscious level what a fucking prick he was. Went all through my 20's and 30's just not acknowledging it.

ME: That's nawthin compared to my ffawkin mom. I can't stand that ffawkin ME ME ME shit. Enough already.

"Thank god for my mom being crazy! Otherwise I wouldn't be in FAWKIN radio!"

I bet Opie's mother was a delight and it's just him.

Gregory clean your room dear


Gregg honey, I ran out of ziplock sandwich bags, could you please take your lunch on a supermarket plastic bag today?


ME: /whispered/ but now we got Snowy from Michigan on the line, and he wants in badl--

*Greggory, are you sure you want to play with that radio inside?-


Okay! Be careful, sweet, sweet treasure!

It's depressing that most talented people are just batshit insane.

I pulled up an old episode of Maron's podcast, and it's interesting how the quality of his interviews hasn't changed over the years. When it comes to doing interviews, he's REALLY talented.

But he's just so goddamn neurotic. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to live around him.

And he hates goin' to the FUCKIN' post office!

That's not the depressing part at all. It's always been that way.

The depressing part is that they have no editor or publisher acting as a filter. So now we are subjected to every wet fart they lay down on moleskin.

tbh is he even talented anymore?

As a comedian, he's "meh"

But he's one of the best interviewers around.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker are the types to be noted as some of the most talented people.

Maron is a bafoon.

This is just par for the course. I'd be more surprised if maron DIDN'T write some completely faggoty shit to pander to his faggoty LA actor guests in his faggoty fanbase.

Lefties view the government as their parents. It basically explains everything retarded that they think/do.

Daddy wasn't there, to take him to the fair, it seems he didn't care.

That's all of us Maron you fag, my dad left when I was six to go be a junkie and now we're talking again. Only matrilineal hebes would talk that way about their dad, not even a simple fuck you but listing the reasons why he sucks, what a vagoina

Maron is such a pretentious cunt it completely ruins his amazing interviews.

I really hope Donald Trump is elected again, just so we can hear more of this.

He's not even in office yet and these faggots are bawwwing, just wait till some of those wetbacks go home.

Trumps america bitch

I hope the republicans win enough in the midterms to allow constitutional amendments to get trump 3 or 4 terms.

That sentence makes me literally shake.

Almost all leftism, especially the American college educated form, can be summed it with "FUCK YOU! DAD!".

Trump's like my dad maaaan.

It makes a ton of sense that all of the celebrities who think the same way all have tragic daddy issues. Fucking faggots.

Career victims.

If he wants to get back at his father, he should date a Puerto Rican.

Are you trying to say that a Jew is neurotic and complainy?

I would normally hope he dies soon, but his mental suffering makes me happier than the thought of his death, which will come eventually anyway

It's nice to see Milo Yiannopoulos and Marc Maron coming together on Trump being their Daddy.

Milo's daddy looks a lot more like Mandingo.

This makes a tremendous amount of sense. What should be noted here is that Marc is unaware of the fact that this makes him look like he lacks any maturity at all. This is practically admits that his development as an adult is stunted and that his liberal views are founded in a shallow form of pure emotional fulfillment that tries to fill a hole that he believes his father left. As others have mentioned here this probably defines about 90% of liberals.

god, can we slice off this cancerous tumor that is california, already?

His name was Seth Rich.

Louis CK has similar daddy issues.

Ironically it seems those most deeply invested in the O and A/Norton style have mommy issues.

I straight up told my Dad he would make a good Nazi. I am just about as conservative as he is, but he bought into Donald Trump after supporting other Republican candidates. If it had -R next to his name my old man would support him. I love my Dad. He is the best. He is intensely political, which I am not.

Marc Maron, however is a faggot who thinks calling out his old man is edgy. Maron is every adjective he called his father.

Did he touch your schmekle?

From a bullshit armchair psychosocial perspective, trump was pretty much your cool rich dad who has like 10000 speed boats and he lets you use them. And Hillary was your mom who makes you go to sleep at 10 every day and doesn like when you play video games.

I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby.

What a kike faggot.

dam this nigga gay.

Do you think he's the type of guy that calls his wife/girlfriend when he has a flat tire?

Marc Maron is a faggot.

Progressive liberals are stunted emotionally

You'd all be dead if it wasn't for my son Marc!