Subreddit Announcement: After much deliberation I've decided to start my very own podcast

33  2017-01-16 by Ant_Sucks

When I look at the world I see so many issues that need to be discussed. For example, have you seen what's going on in government right now!? The election!? It's crazy!

It won't all be serious. There'll be laughter too. I saw a youtube video today. It was hilarious! I'd love to discuss that on the show, and play clips from it while pausing to point something out, then moving forward again until we reach the end of the video.

I want to have guests on too, and I thought "Wouldn't it be great if I had other podcasters on so you know you've got someone who knows how to do a show!?" Don't worry, I'll give you a link to their podcasts so you can check them out!

I'll need sponsorship too, but don't worry I'll keep commercials to a minimum. I'll do the live reads myself so they'll have a unique twist on them. Maybe I'll tell an anecdote about how I used that product in my life. You don't hear that everyday!

I'm really excited about this new venture, and looking forward to bringing something fresh to the podcasting scene!


It sounds like you'll be going off the cuff a lot. I trust your lack of show prep won't lead to boring discussions or a lack of interesting content, because that could turn it into a real shit show!

But will you have UFC fighters and porn twats on? What about a video element? I need to watch my hosts eat and check their phones and squeeze their peckers. And most importantly, where does Sherrod's Tongue fit into this scheme?

Above, as a cover.

Yes, good point about UFC. No podcast is complete these days without a co-host who has one leg in the MMA world and is hip to its accoutrements.

Sounds awesome, but can I give you some advice? Make sure the show is a "hang," brothaman. too many podcasts are stuck in the old radio mentality that we tell and scream about! That's why the whole podcast ting is still a little squirrelly to completely honest with you.

I have some bit suggestions for Live from the Subreddit:

  1. Review current popular youtube videos. Funny AND topical.

  2. Talk about how stupid people are, and how much you hate stupid people and the stupid things they are interested in.

  3. Have a weekly segment where you mock Trump or any other "out there" politican. Maybe like "What Trump Said This Week." That guy's crazy.


What's your podcasts position on self gratification?

How are you going to get the equipment into the city? Asking for a friend.

Pawrdy at the Mewn Tahwer

that hurts like a dick up the ass

Do you anticipate a lot of "... anyway, enough of that. What else is going on in the news...Uh...Hmmm..."

Everyone does, dont bring it to much unless you want to be scolded. Hope your better than Bick on the Brink

Gee, thanks.

I'm sure this was a life changing experience for you that couldn't have been realized after much deliberation and permission from God. Maybe you can quit your job now to focus fully on your podcast, and be the star you've always wanted to be!


are you gonna use a trannys arm hair trimmings for your new hair plugs?

I hope you don't live in the city cause I heard it's pretty hard to get podcasting equipment into the city.

Oh vey it's a shvitz

You know what I'd like to hear on a podcast? Comedians talking about the craft of comedy. I think it's a real untapped market. Feel free to run with the idea.

I can't wait to hear about your latest misadventure with a girl half your age and how you showed her how angry you were by leaving the door half open when you stormed out of her apartment. Radio gold!

I will only listen if there is a UFC Or male porn star segment each episode.

To be honest I don't think a model like this can work. Not in today's economy.

Don't forget to get the female point of view!

Maybe have a segment where guests (and the audience) can Help You, or heck maybe, 'Fix You' would be a funnier way to say it.

Try to keep your guests focused though, don't let it get outta control with lol's etc.

Do it dude

Sounds like a Ryan at the Rink ripoff. Good fucking luck competing against Kilgore!

Are you being sarcastic, maaan?

Sound decision, my friend. Average shitheads offering their worthless thoughts and opinions on things is the future of entertainment.

Wait until Ant_sucks gets the New York studio up and running. Everything will be great after that