Got a serious case of "the Mondays"

40  2017-01-16 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

Just had a big weekend of not wanking and wearing a suit.

Ah well, back to the grindstone. Those entrepreneurs aren't gonna venerate themselves am I right?

Take care out there, peckahs. Uhuru x


Good morning.

Give me silver.

tsss yeah what are long john or sumpthin

Eat two dicks and kill yourself in the morning.


Do a wank then you queer. Mondayitis is no joke!

I was saving this for the "Wednesday Wing-Ding" thread, but I think you could use it now, fella. ;)

You're a saint on earth, buddy. That'll get me through til clock-punching time!

Can the corn, you big galoot!

(waves dismissively in your direction)

Fellas, I tell ya, there's no week days, just work days. Ya know?

You sound like a real container of coffee and lunch pale kinda fella there friend.

You know how it is. Thermos full of Folger's, last night's pot roast on a couple slices of the old lady's homemade bread, and a Pall Mall before throwing the old tool belt back on and getting back on the roof.

artisinal joe

As long as I got a venti starbucks, and my vape-pen you won't hear me complainin'. Another day, another dollar.... Ahhhh, what the hell do I know?

You sound like the kind of man who got a Delorian tat and a nosejob in the years preceding a girlfriend murder.

*another day, another bitcoin

This actually doesn't sound like a terrible life..... in comparison of course

Who needs a lunch pail when you can use the cement bags from the construction sites you work on?


Cherries, captain crunch, raisin brand, fruity pebbles, Cinnamon Toast Crunch

It's "bran", not "brand" you dolt.

Cool it pal he's retarded

So you don't have off for MLK Day?

No I'm English so no public nigger holidays here unfortunately.

So sorry.

What about the queen?

Look on the bright side, you probably get to claim all kinds of Muslim holidays that we're not even aware of

What's with the 5 brands of cereal thing? Do they have to know 5 different brands of cereal or are they not supposed to know 5 brands of cereal? Also, what does it have to do with anything else?

I think it's that they're being trolled by an aging hipster faggot who has created a boy-fuck club so he has 14 people to talk to on the failing "network" of his Moorish boss.

Makes sense

I think it means they beat on you until you can name 5 cereals. We used to do it with purple nurples when I was young. However I was an elementary school and not a fucking middle aged man.

Ah, very well.

I actually pushed my schedule from 7to4 to 9to6 because I got so sick of waking up at 5am .. fuck the entrepreneur

Why do I feel like proudboys are always wearing they're dad's clothes?

God damn this made me laugh.

That gay Uhuru song was definitely made when the non-burn victim one's mother & lover were away for the weekend.

Because they are.


what ever happened to Regular Joe?

He became Faggot Jim.

I thought he was dead ?

I sure hope you weren't wearing any sandals.

You wanna go to Chotskies for some coffee and maybe some pizza shooters or extreme fajitas?

So glad to see another fellow English O&A fan!

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah niggers!

I don't care what anyone says, being able to create another human life is fucking MAGIC!
