Never forget, O&A&J paid men to perform gay acts infront of them

2  2017-01-16 by fish_flower


This was actually the day I so t of had enough of them. Gay off killed the show.

In contrast, that was the very first time I thought, "These boys really have something here."

Pretty sure that was Jims favorite day in the whole run of the show.

In all fairness, who hasn't?

Well all three like dicks anth:sue lighting, jimmy:trannys, opie:cuck for bmarg

So much was wrong with this whole thing. Who in the staff thought this was a good idea? Also, in the PC world we have been living in over the past few years, how did this stunt get approved by Sirius XM?

But the worst was the one guy who was desperate for money that he selfishly went into a comedy radio show and turned this whole "bit" into himself taking a dick to the face while his wife cries in the corner of the room. And then once this horrendous bit ends, he pretty much begs O&A for money because he lost the contest anyway. IT was pretty much the equivalent to a guy forcing himself to suck a dick in a back alleyway for money.

Both Opie & Anthony knew immediately it was a huge mistake and were not even heard for the last hour of the show, while Sam, Troy, & Jim were acting real giddy that guys were taking dicks to their faces. If only Opie or Anthony would have put their foot down to stop this abomination instead of letting it go on and not saying a word.

Who in the staff thought this was a good idea?

Sam, Troy, & Jim were acting real giddy that guys were taking dicks to their faces

I think you just answered your own question

It was a really misguided attempt to have a crazy event like they used to, but there was no audience and it didn't make sense at all. Wasn't Sam pushing for it like the entire month leading up to it?

Then like a month later Erock decides on tequila and donut day with no hype and its 10x better

Yes, for a month straight that half a fag Sam could not wait to see some dicks and balls in studio, and was promoting it daily.

They also jerked off while watching.

The video is still on YouTube. Cocks on show. And male body parts too.

They were like Marc Collins-Rector and Brock Pierce: Rich guys exploiting people and making them do faggot shit.