Did James Norton pull a Mark Normand with his fake fucking weird Tinder night story? It started out with he got CASHEWS and ended with grabbing his ALMONDS and leaving. Link Starts at end of the story where he gets his almonds and goes. 10:14 for the beginning Cashews.

5  2017-01-15 by [deleted]



The worst. He is such a fucking liar. This past week douche bag started a story saying he was watching a YouTube video alone and it morphed into a story where he claimed to have a "visitior" call up and come over. I guess when you were a hard core drug addict by age 3 your memory isn't that great, or he's just a lying hack wanna be comedian

I hope you're not serious.

whatever...he forgot his salad so fuck you.

Well Sherlock, the story ended with him getting no action so none of that shit really matters.

Actually, he called them "aw-muns."


Dissect it for a few more hours and the result will shock you...