Men are slow to show support for the Women’s March. Is it considered unmasculine?

0  2017-01-15 by bobomobile


I have no clue what this title means, but we shouldnt post these horseshit (((("fake news")))))) websites here.

I come to this sub to relieve myself of necessary hatred, thus making me be perceived as a normal person in the real world.

Op save your life and dont read this type of shit even if it is only for making fun of it with other degenerates

I have no problems with women marching into the kitchen or bedroom.

Or off a cliff.

When did women become so hateable?


So they want men to be over represented in a women's march? Sounds problematic

At the same time, millions of men went to vote for Clinton as the first female president. Among them, 82 percent of African American men and 63 percent of Latino men.

Lol at all the stupid black people who have no clue how many black africans were slaughtered by arab al qaeda militias during Hillary's invasion of Libya. Same with the hispanics not knowing about her and Obama's violent coups in Venezuela and Haiti.