Lady Di Update!!!! (Marion called into No Filter Pauls podcast) @ 14:10

34  2017-01-15 by [deleted]


Looks like Lady Di tried to escape the Navy boat with the help of Marion to grab a couple of beers.

Why does No Filter Paul have a podcast? Why are there 76 episodes?

76 episodes of 1+ hour long videos and nobody is watching.

He uploaded this two hour long episode with Big A and some psychic two months ago, it currently has 9 views.

That's Compound Media numbers.

As starved as I am for Lady Di updates, I can't stand listening to Marion. So if someone could listen to this for me I would eternally grateful.

I listened to it for you.

Give me gold and I'll tell you what they said.


Lady Di is doing better, her son put her in that home (navy boat) and basically left her. He doesnt accept Marions phone calls and she went to his house but he wasnt there and might have moved to North Carolina.

Lady Di calls Marion and tells her that she is going to try to sneak passed the nurses and guards to get some "air" (aka grab a few beers) Marion says that Lady Di is doing better and her brain is less foggy compared to last year when she thought she was on the Navy boat.

The rest of the episode is just Marion being her usual horrid self, talking about old people shit like what medications shes on.

This show is awful,I woudnt expect any of you guys to listen to his hot garbage

You really are a swell fella, you know that?

I love your flair, sir

Thank you, I really didn't want to listen to these brainless oxygen wasters.

She abandoned the son as a little kid to go suck hobo dick with Ronnie ponytail. Good for him.

It's almost as though we have no idea why he abandoned his mother.

How much free time do you have in a day? Scraping the bottom of the barrel with this site, and I'm a TACS subscriber for fuck's sake

If your cohost spends the podcast slouching in her chair, scratching her nose, and stuffing her face like a cow, maybe having a video element isn't the right move for your podcast.

Her shrieking voice. She makes Henley almost look tolerable.

And get a load of the backtits on this whale .... lol

Meanwhile her son is on YouTube giving people updates on him saving fifty dollars each payday towards a laptop so he can carry on uploading his religious ranting videos to absolutely nobody

dude you gotta link me those videos!

Nah I feel too bad for him and his shitty childhood to let people on here find him and mock him. He's a strange bird but I'm not sure I can blame him

That's probably the most noble thing I have ever read on this sub reddit.

Don't you remember that I was the first person to ever say that black people should be able to vote?

gold please.

hoo hoo

I see it more like Anthony stealing Chip. It's done with fondness

"Saving up"? lol What is he, the Beav trying to get a hockey stick? A fuckin' laptop's like $200.

or sumthin

I guess they've found the right meds for Lady di now? She ain't getting better though.

54 views. Fifty four.

Dox yourselves for our personal amusement then commit Seppuku but without the honor.

Could you imagine listening to a podcast by the absolute most Z list O&A hanger on ever? 54 of you just can't get over losing your only friends Ant and the Opster.

Nothing against you Griz, you're alright I guess

You typed a lot of words I don't care to read.

I would laugh my balls off if Lady Di outlives Tranthony, Worm and Tits.

She hasnt changed at all. Not a drop of self awareness. Its almost comical, her ability to steamroll anyone and make it about her.

Did Patrice ever meet lady di and marion?

She said "I want to go out and have a beer" Oh that's a good start No, it's not, no

Glad Marion's still her old self

The rhinoceros is such a magical creature. Stomps out fires and is completely impervious to even the most obvious sarcasm.

After 32 minutes I can't imagine anyone else subjecting themselves to any more of this filth. Denise is a truly awful human being, who takes any chance she can get to shit on her husband, while stuffing her fucking face with snacks for the entire 32 minutes. How these two are still married is a fucking miracle.

It's what's known in the animal kingdom as a slob-biotic relationship.

Lady Di in a psych home or something? Or a rehab?

A podcast longer than most films. These hanger on fucks really have gotten above their station.


That half-a-waterhead of a son of hers dumped that wet-brained sot off at some nigger "Health Center" shithole in New Jersey, bolted out the fuckin' door and never looked back, thinking "She's the state's problem now!" Gee, guess he isn't so dumb after all.

Is no filter Paul still married? Was she hot?

Definitely figured this to be a joke post. Thank you mister.

I thoght it was reported here thay Ladi Di had passed away.

I am glad to hear she is still sailing the 7 seas for adventure. yaaaar mattey!

wow that wife is a cunt.

fuck getting married. they all turn into her. nag nag nag

Christ almighty that fucking cunt is beyond irritating. Say what you will about NFP, but being in the same room as her and not smacking the shit outta her, shows he has some humanity.

I could only tolerate 2 minutes, did that water buffaler on the right ever stop stuffing shit into her face?

This is a classic appearance by Marion. Really good.

hoo hoo