Some sage advise from Opie

9  2017-01-15 by ultr4


Despite the spelling error, why does this moron think that we have to sit down and have a beer with him to think whether or not he's a piece of shit? We have endless hours of your radio career and a backlog of retarded tweets to make that assumption.

he would have a point; if he wasn't also a sensitive faggot with kids

"Advise" is a verb, as in "Lynsi advised Opie it would be a good idea to go out between 10 a.m and 12 p.m as the African American cable repair man would be stopping by." He meant "advice", a noun, as in "Here's some free advice, Ope, you should quit radio because your career's finished."

There are 8 year olds who wouldn't make that mistake. He really is a fool.

Judging someone's worth by twitter followers. What a fat faggot. I hope he gets his skull crushed by a dumbell.

His daughter is a mongoloid, who cares what this animal breeder thinks

tss I don't have the thyme to read that

Rosemary got the thyme, if you got the money. Tss, tss pecka.