Guys Cake Stomp is fake news.

89  2017-01-14 by Dennyislife


That was fast.

tweetdeck and a boring Leicester v chelsea game init

It's not a bad game.. pretty one sided though

So was the Spurs v WBA game but Spurs at least play great stuff. Chelsea are a pretty dull side considering the talent they have.

Yes. But the fans in the stadium are so far away they've not seen it yet. Like light from a star it'll take a while.

That stadium is fuckin shite

Pele is better than George Best.

I am Brasilian, this is why I say to this.

I don't think that a controversial statement.. pele is the second best player of all time


Get well son buddy

Ludicrous display last night huh gang

Hes smart. He heard "fake news" on the TV... that might help get eyes on this


Although it is still better than Sherrod trying really hard to make his new catchphrase "hug the haters" trend on Twitter.

Lol how is that fake news? Both of those things actually happened

"Fake news" has basically just become code for "news story I don't like."

I mean it's not fake news, ope. You really did stomp on that homeless man's cake. As a loff. Fudashow. Because you're a douchenozzle.

"Fake news" has basically just become code for "news story I don't like."

And it only took like a week lol

I think that was the idea when the mainstream media started pushing that agenda. It all kind of blew up in their face when Trump called them out for actual fake news and now dummies use the term because they don't understand thinking logically.

Quit talking a load of fake news buddy.

Why wouldn't he just say "this is old news". Does he think calling it fake news makes him sound smart?

Yes. That's exactly what he thinks.

I think he's trying to go with the he and the homeless gentleman is friends angle

The first instance of "fake news" being used is Norm Macdonald on his Weekend Update

Norm on 'fake news': "I wanted to call it something that a down syndrome would call it"

Anyone who uses that term seriously, therefore, has down syndrome...opie

Like father like daughter.

Fake news is the new calling everything "hipster."

"Fake news" has basically just become code for "news story I don't like."

Become? That's all it ever was.

For about three minutes it was supposed to be referring to the 100% fictitious and intentional hoax clickbait thats been passed around on facebook for years, for some bizarre reason people in politics, journalism, and Opie just suddenly started screaming it at everything

Well i mean genuine "fake news" is a thing, especially for people who get all of their news from the warm cocoon of social media where nobody's exercising any editorial control and retards can just say shit. The next thing you know you're having an argument with someone who's saying, with a straight face, that Obama literally said that he wants to "bring white folks down a peg," or that trump said that republicans are the stupidest voters. Neither one of them said any such thing, but people believe it.

That's different from this situation, in which millionaire disc jockey and talentless hack Gregg "Opie" Hughes stomped on a cake possessed by a homeless man who had meekly offered to share some of it with him. That is a real thing that happened, because Opie thinks that he's a better human being than a homeless guy and he can treat such people like garbage.

i wish Opie would fuck my gf while i whack off and play with my bam bam bigelow wrestling buddy.

This is Iris calling with the news you can use for the Jews.



where aa where aa where we ATTTTT with the fake newssaassss

why, is cnn reporting on it.

opie is a gay

Imagine liking Opie so much you wish violence on somebody who doesn't like him. What is wrong with that faggot?

The irony here is hilarious.

Opie is dumb. Like actually has a brain defect that makes him retarded.

Opie has a tiny dick, remember when Jimmy confirmed it after seeing him in the gym locker room, hahahahaha!!!

What's the story behind this one?

Jimmy and Opie were going to the same gym for a while and Jimmy saw Greggs baby dick in the locker room and brought it up on air to him.

I bet Opie told Jim to tell that story. There's NO fucking way tits would allow Jim to tell that without feeling the bitchy high pitch wrath he is known for.

Yeah was that a "bit" early on in the Opie and Jim show? I forget other than Opie seemed to want to tell the story a bunch and Jimmy not really going along with it

He also confirmed it himself by telling the story he and Anthony were leaving a concert when some drunk women asked to see their dicks. Anthony pulled his out, but Opie said he didn't have the confidence so Anthony had to show his twice so they'd leave them alone.

I took a lil taste of a journalism class at Genesio, but it was bruuuutal so now I just hang with Bam's kids. He let's me pet the retarded one.

I wonder if one of Opie's favorite saturday morning activities is damage control.

Finally went viral! Fawk yeah!

Fake news was always a retarded way to describe anything. But it's really out of control now. Goddammit opie.

He's so dumb but he just wants to jump on every single new term. Goddammit he somehow manages to continue to find new ways to annoy me.

You ever notice all of opie's Twitter fans have that big white supremacist goatee? Such badasses. They love metal and sunset pics

I'm sure every time Opie plays a metal cover of a pop song, they all lose their shit

It is not fake Titty boy, you fucking did it.

Opies odd and is deranged, cake stomps that are very strange


Why is Opie dressed like joe cumia?

His tweet and profile picture make it look like a parody account of himself. What a complete dummy

He's comedy gold in terms of making himself look like a tool.

calling any criticism against you as fake news is good enough for the president, why not opie.

It's funny how people using the term 'fake news' are now automatically discredited due to people like Opie jumping on the bandwagon. The new thing is to refer to any news story you don't like as being fake news.

This is an attack on the media.

I'm sure every time Opie plays a metal cover of a pop song, they all lose their shit