Fucking yuck.

70  2017-01-14 by joonyourmnt


hate to say it, but I love Zosia Mamet

The rest of em are pretty delicious, it's pigetta that's the problem.

The one to the left of her is gross too. Pluck your fucking eyebrows, cunt.

You gay, nigga

She looks like a dude from England that put on a wig. Tell me I'm wrong you faggots.

You're right. At first glance I thought this was a picture of 3 trannys and Frankenstein

I don't mind her somewhat natural eyebrows. Her hair dye pisses me off. The only acceptable non-pig in this photo is the one on the far left and she is not my type. The only thing these gorranimals should open their mouth for is the receiving of cocks.

Ok, Patrice. She's repulsive.

lol he's not Patrice, Patrice is dead for like 5 years now.

You're back from the clink? Ah I mustve missed it. Welcome back. (My old name on here was cheetahheels)

I remember you. You were my favorite poster.

Give me gold please.

Damn bro when did you get back? Your not gonna be the good Dereck Vinyard now are you?

Go away.

I like to imagine her father yelling at her in high school for staying out late. Very dramatically and profanely.


"You're fucking shit...where did you learn your trade you stupid fucking cunt, you idiot. Who ever told you you could work with men?!"

" I'll never tell you "

She's pretty sexy in a different dumb girl kinda way.

After banging her I'd yell ALWAYS BE COMING.

Whoever called her little monster was fucking spot on

on my twitter feed the other day a legit NEWS article popped up that said somthing along the lines of "lena dunham has had her period for 14 days" like what the fuck whoever wrote an actual entire news article on that should just get fired for the simple fact they considered that news

Three anorexics and a beluga whale. How brave.

Starting at the shoes the picture is awful. As you look up it keeps getting worse. You wouldn't think it possible with those thighs. But it is.

Cmon....maybe a a LITTLE bit of photoshop on her legs?....

Oh there absolutely was.

I think there is. It's that bad.

It's amazing how despite the Photoshop and the heels, her legs still look like wet bread

Even if they were fuckable, dudes would never fuck them out of fear of getting some kind of false rape allegation thrown at them.

fuck it im gonna call rape on the next ugly chick I sleep with because I felt pressured into sex and didnt want to upset her.

As if Alison Williams or Zosia Mamet would fuck you, neckbeard

I have consent forms I force women to sign before I rape them

That's really smart.

I just film them with a hidden camera incase of any criminal accusations

Dunham has 65 year old Polish grandmother legs.


ME: Aww, you fawkin beat me to it! Dammit! DAMMIT! THAT WAS THE FAWKIN JOKE!

ME: That was fucking line of the day right there. We're bringing back line of the day.

ME: stretching out my S's on the end of wordsss to sound like Ron Bennington because i cant do anything original on my own

Give me gold please.


And tits.

Vagina too

Gotta respect the magazine for not photoshopping out her putrid cellulite

Gotta respect Mercer Mayer for bringing this bitch to the masses

That is the photoshopped version of her putrid cellulite. You can't see the original without going blind.

I'll take 1, 2 and 4

3 is unsuccessfully trying to camouflage against prettiness. We can still see lena you fat moth

And the gun shot wound on her thigh

How was this not photoshopped out?

Probably some bullshit about 'being honest about your body' or 'i'm pretty the way I am' despite 95% of women caking themselves in makeup as soon as they wake up, using a gallon of hair products and only buying clothes that camouflage their flaws while accentuating their positive traits.

I don't know what I'm more thankful for. The fact Photoshop is now regarded as some evil entity changing the beauty standard, forcing these monsters to expose themselves with their fucking cottage cheese ham legs.

Or regular women wearing make up.

The really unlucky ones can always buy a pair of big sunglasses and find a tree to stand behind

Idk about #2. The fact that her thigh is as big as my arm is kind of disgusting

Lena Dunham Racist confirmed!

One of those is not like the others

One of those does not belong...

Dunhams' hamhocks are going to dislocate the poor gal's knee to her right.

Ill take cottage cheese legs and mustache eyebrows, you fags can have the rest

This fucking enrages me. LOOK AT HER THIGH! There is ZERO excuse for this when you are in your 20's and are not living in a housing project. Your education and access to nutritious foods should not allow this to happen. If it does somehow happen, you should not be on the cover of any magazine that touts health and/or beauty in its title.


While I agree with your statement this sub really has no room to talk. We're a bunch of fatsos with sleep apneia


Only women? Why no gender-queer, non-binary, trans, or otherkin? This is awfully exclusive.

Did you just assume their gender?!?!?!?!? You make me sick

The horror ...the horror ...

Brian Williams's daughter can get it. The other three...yuck.

Pink is definitely not Norton's color.

Is that Lena's leg or a close up of the moon?

That's no moon.

Is it really "your look" if you are posing in weird clothes some designer picked out?

no amount of photoshopping will help

Where we at with the ugly cunt that says she wishes she has had an abortion?

Allison Williams is hot as fuck. She has a great ass eating scene on that show too. The rest of those 4's can take a hike infront of a train


She owns it and she can keep it!

Its not often that child molesters are given fashion mag covers

one of these things is not like the other

You're trying too hard, calm down.

It looks like a fat faun.

Um, all women are strong and beautiful, OK? Today's youth don't consider physical attractiveness important. The fact that Lena Dunham will die alone and childless is a complete coincidence.

ive been blocked by her on insta and twitter so glad i can come here for the latest news on that obese slag

I still don't know why she's famous.

I can't deal with this shit anymore. I hope we never ever elect a woman president.

Dunham looks like she doesn't wipe.

If she does it is back to front. With TP still in the ole Wizard Sleeve

who the fuck are these pigs and why are we looking at them?

It looks like a live action poster for The Dark Crystal.

She looks like a hot version of Rosanne's sister.

I think she looks good, fellas!

I don't know what I'm more thankful for. The fact Photoshop is now regarded as some evil entity changing the beauty standard, forcing these monsters to expose themselves with their fucking cottage cheese ham legs.

Or regular women wearing make up.

Why does everyone love the fat one?

This fake bullshit they peddle to (what they don't realize) is actually a very niche audience but think they're an authority on culture equates most of the "shock" of Trump's election win.

I hate that you faggots steal the catchphrases of the assholes that you bash (e.g. Jim's "yuck"). You are as unoriginal as you are queer as fuck.

Haha I almost admire the way Lena Dunham trolls people with her ugliness. Like she knows shes a hideous sack of cottage cheese and wants everyone to vomit in the disgust by wearing hotpants haha GRAD A TROLLING!

Also, that one chick on the show seriously looks like one of the monkey people from the old Heston Planet of the Apes. Its all I see everytime I look at her.

I'm guilty of having piped down and masturbated to some real "thick" pigs in my time, but this one takes the mud.

Brian Williams' daughter is hot. The rest look like aliens

Why is she the token dumpy bitch? Give some other uggo some cover time.

Give me zosia mamet

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Even this female empowerment shit still focuses on looking hot. Nothing about actually contributing to society, nothing about independence, just about how to look like something men are going to want to stick it in. Women make me sick.

Would it kill her to use the fucking steps?

To sit on while she eats?

They used 100% of the "glamour" office computer's RAM maxing out the Photoshop vertical stretch slider on that fetid hamhock

Thinking about your look in the mirror is now a virtue

I'd have sex with every one of those shoes.

It's a good show overall in spite of Dunham. It skewers hipster culture a lot of the time.

Women make me fucking sick.

1, maybe 4

good lord what a fucking pile of disgusting filthy gushy yuck! which one is not like the others? yes yes FUCK NO yes.

y'all niggas gay

I would rape the ones on the end

Jesus christ, professional culture-debasing jewess Leanne Dunam has truly reached Whoopi Goldberg/Roseanne levels of hideous woman fame. The only sense I can make of it is that femme millenial dolts can look at her and go, "well, I'll never be as rich as her or a famous writer, but at least I don't look like that". Like maybe she's the one famous female-presenting person that the average young girl can look at and not feel inferior. That's my only theory.

Because if you go by the quality of her "writing" alone.... christ, it's literally like softcore porn for women that enacts the seemingly universal millenial fantasy of dating struggling "actors" and "creative types" in Brooklyn. It's softcore porn with ugly actors, interspersed with scenes of emo bullshit and aspirational nonsense "careers". Like 10 years ago, women watched Sex & the City and thought "I wish I could lay in bed all day and fuck handsome men and then write an advice column in my free time that paid enough to live luxuriously in Manhattan." Pure fantasy, of course, but it tapped into some common fantasies women have, that expose them for the lazy, shallow narcissists they are. Dunam's show is the exact same thing, just transposed onto the millenial women who all got BAs in lesbian dance theory and acting, and think "I wish I could be a dumpster for struggling actor cum all day without shame while making enough money writing bullshit fantacist plays to lie around Brooklyn all day having self-consciously narcissistic conversations about myself and my life with my similarly vapid, trust fund friends". At least I think she plays a writer on the show. Thankfully I've never been forced to watch it, unlike Sex and the City, which I had to sit through multiple times in multiple dorm rooms in college just to get laid.

the daddy issues are dripping off the page

Lena Dunham wears underwear with dick holes in em

What does Lena Dunham have to do with O&A?

ME: That was fucking line of the day right there. We're bringing back line of the day.