Lady Liberty Portrayed as Woman of Color for 1st Time on US Currency

0  2017-01-13 by red-light



I'm fine with shit like this but people always have to make it a huge deal. Just let this shit happen you don't need to write articles about how inclusive it is.

Writing about it is the single most important part

Yeah. Why can't we just see it and go "oh, cool. That's unique." It has to be a whole thing.

Wrong sub to ask questions like this, faggot.

Its a press release for a coin that isnt meant to be circulated as currency.

Obama has to thrown in one last act of PC nonsense.

Looks like Latrell Sprewell to me.



this is BULLSHIT. I voted to have the late great Dale Earnhardt on this coin but the online poll was rigged.

I heard you brother. Stars Bars & Trump! WOOOOO!!!!! * punches wife * Taco Bell here I come!


I don't see color.

She don't look black. Moulinyan if anything. No big nose or nappy hair. Could easily be a white lesbian. Black people are so dumb, that could be a white girl on there and we just tell them its black.

Remember how well the Sacajawea $1 coins worked out? If you can even find one, try to use it in public. Especially at an establishment of lower stock.

Actually most places still take dollar coins. Especially the smaller mom & pop shops. I've still got a bunch of those, both the Sacajawea ones and the Presidents ones. It's currency; unless you get a cashier that's too stupid to know what they are, they'll take them.

unless you get a cashier that's too stupid to know what they are

Bingo. But yes, they are still required to take them a legal us tender.

Contrary to popular belief, the phrase "legal tender for all debts public and private" does not mean that a business is required to accept all forms of cash. It just means that they must accept United States currency in general. Plenty of places that won't take bills above $20 due to counterfeit activity, and a few shops only accept electronic payment altogether. That's been ruled legal.

Basically, it just means that a business can't only accept pesos/euros/coca beans. If they operate in the US, they must accept the dollar.

Good. Because I don't take kindly to the colored's money...

We can all be nigger rich now

Holy shit. Is this what the Tim Burton version of Planet of the Apes was about?

Signifying an abstraction can be done wih any image, who gives a shit? Liberty could be an octopus doing a drum solo, its still mean the same thing.

I'm going to wait for the James Brown coin.

Where are these gold people from?

Wrong sub to ask questions like this, faggot.