Dave Smith is such a homo, that even this chick desperate for his dick called him a "gay, faggoty-ass nigga" for not wanting to fuck her.

0  2017-01-13 by [deleted]






He may very well be all of those things, but obvi not desperate enuff to fuck that skank. Fuck her and her stupid braids.

To be fair, she seems like the kind of slice that would have you coming home to find your dog hanging from a tree after you stopped returning her calls.

Earlier in the podcast she was saying how women should have no responsibility when they are drunk and men fucking drunk women is rape and then she proceeded to get hammered and hit on him. Even if he immediately smashed her after the podcast was over he'd do well to not announce it on mic.

Is that Shaun King's sister?

Is that Shaun King's sister?

It is funny to see how excited Luis is to chant "gay nigga" @3:22 https://youtu.be/qLOOBFu2iQc?t=3m22s

Wow! She's WILD! Watch out!

Yeah Dave is a fag for not wanting to fuck Predator.

Guess I'll be avoiding this episode.

It's actually alright. Nothing special but I enjoyed it.

Good for him. I hate when people pressure me into fucking fours. I'll go home and beat off again thank you very much.

good to see dave having pride standing asgainst congolomorated mongorel race of people.

Can Ari see through those eyes?

That's sherod's baby momma isnt she?

This is why I've stopped listening to them, not funny. Dave is trying to make a point, jay is trying to compare it to him and Christine, and Luis is the one who tries to be funny