What are the odds that Trump calls out Patton Oswalt as a murderer during his presidency?

0  2017-01-13 by unclepaul84

Totally serious question. What would the Vegas odds be? I really want to see this happen. But realistically I'd say 50-1 at the moment.


Your life is probably not too good, and you'll probably never find real happiness, so the odds are low.

Different things make different people happy.

The Hollywood Jews that protect Patton from prosecution might give Trump trouble.

We have a full 4 years, unless he fucks up big time. I have faith in him being the outlet for our forefathers O&A from 2009 - he has done a pretty good job so far.

You're like a fat liberal girl in 2008. So much false hope.

You're also gay.

Fuck you bitch

Good one dumbfuck

7 days...you going to be ok?

Oh I'll be fine. You're the one who is gonna be upset when you realize the race war is never gonna happen and your mother is never going to stop craving black cock.

Who mentioned a race war? And my now is not from the south. She isn't into bestiality.

Who mentioned a race war? Your not good at being a troll.

I'm not trolling. Nothing you contribute ever gets any traction here, so it's entertaining to me to make fun of your need for attention through your shit posts. You have nothing, but you never stop posting. You're an attention seeking beta male pretending to be some kind of alt right alpha. It's pathetic, it's why people downvote you constantly. You make people uncomfortable. Sad!

Your weird man. You may be legit autistic. You are the desperate beta male that is bringing up downvotes.

I only brought it up because I know it hurts your feelings.

Different things make different people happy.