Opie on new WAAF Boston show

6  2017-01-13 by Ona75


Took time out of his "ridiculously busy schedule"

Pretty funny when Matty & Nick congratulated him on the Opie & Jimmy show not knowing it was done

What drugs is that fucking transcript on

What drugs is that fucking transcript on

I lol'd at this, what an absolute zilch

Many things were funny about it. The new show with Jimmy, how's that going? Opie saying several things that either paint him as a martyr, or "A guy trying to the right thing". Yeah I want to to talk to mayor Menino, apologize "I absolutely wanted to do the right thing". That program director we didn't see eye to eye with and I "Gregg Hughes" talked shit about constantly, yeah he deserves some credit...

That station is for queers.

Oh you mean you don't think the Hillman Morning Show and their "Mantown" thing is cool?

No one does :)

This many in neck I teased this we grabbed my agent's cell phone and the celebrity list. Most of whom he wouldn't call. But I had 11 final dream won and he said yes and this person was. Kind enough to take time out of his ridiculously busy schedule. Come on his old stomping grounds and let's is that it a little bit here that we made this segment. So Paul yeah. We have them on the line. The problem OP are you there with Matty and nick on WA AF. That in our own. It's there right now to my greatest influence in radiant you know answer okay terrific that's allies and and yeah oh well. Guess how long it would do well we've we start first day or was last Tuesday this is day eight day. You guys that are in trouble early got. I think Paul Byrd not a. How dare you. You guys the glory so to that important level let's go out there and I've definitely history yet. Do you know the well it's it it's ever return for me to remember this open I was. I'm in years ago it Hillman hosts and when you first came here we are playing reversing Spinal Tap. Stuff happening in and I ended up years later you know I kind of bounced around radio and the co hosting the show without Rocco. And our guys used to crucify us it's a passion that I would I'd. Barely remember it would be toll just put out a bit out of Boston for and we got fired with they're saying look back and radiates analysts that a long time. Yeah but you were fired with prestige and great fury which was I mean nobody made a bigger mark on the way out the door that you guys did and I grew up in great treatment that I mean way to new York and I you guys major way down to any W. And I was. Every color of the rainbow unemployed for as long as possible go figure that triple hyphenated filmmaker comedian actor I just couldn't shoot myself in the junk enough. And you guys on any W every afternoon we're like the greatest companion to a unemployed. Comedian actor actually inspired me wanna get in a radio. And then I go to Iraq a couple of years later and I was on the Booker show which was on. When it flipped to free FM for awhile and then you guys came and instantly Booker left thereafter. While that there's a lot to cover their first ball. Oh. Yeah speaking very long sentences make them know there's a lot to go America's first of all the whole the prior. That we did that as we know weirder. Back to New York because. You're you're PD there are very screwed us over. I mean Saturday I mean that it very nice where turn look at their right now but yeah. Why Valeri pretty much discovered millionaire today and then he talked it do an afternoon drive back and say yeah but today. And then we get out there and the first week at the station in black and somewhere between the noses stroke. He's packing an auction that leading candidate to program in New York stage and Hillary and I took the job of that law are below. And then not put it says that helps they would you know our program director that. Leave it there and CR diet although we were successful under so we should get the more liberal crowd. Ask for a whole botch and years and I mean I was coming to serious sex. What you do it is go toward the end of his life. And I actually reached out to download their demands that the academic all these years later actual content until now that all went down. But unfortunately we never got to do that because. Not good guy because he's typical shell all Algiers what it ought it would blow obviously I would open. Men actually apologize. Well that's nice man we we you know. You guys blazed trail obviously and and and you guys a model and we're following you now you've built on an unbelievable you know. We all know what happened more on the passing you you and Anthony but now you've built a great new show. You got some new guys on their tell me about what it's like now. Doing what you do. I don't know now so they'll get to there he was just asking you about. What was it like going from the show that. Everyone listened to for so many years and now transitioning on being on serious examine having the opening and Jim show what's that like on from one famous radio Sharia to. It's a bit strange because you know everyone grew up with some token it and so it's really out. It's got to compete against you'll showed no matter what it you know part. With that says you know I was able to reinvent myself and I'm really enjoying not doing. You know different reassure them what I mean if he can't. I still love are still look probably. Back to two years that I did that they would certainly start talking to get literally have to look after not pocket for almost two years site. Good bond about three or much else we can dutrow calls some and you show up and down the street level the way we're having a blast that. Our outlook for senate in Italy we all kind of changed over the years and I know he's happy doing that sure he's going I'm very happy doing what shall I don't. And we I think we like meeting and himself from part time so it's been trying to come to cool. So yes so it's OB radio and I know you have Jim Norton on frequently and a lot it's become very comedian friendly as well. Did is it more fun to be able to kind of reinvent yourself more than new show. And have different guess interchange have the energy and give people different perspectives. Oh boy. 0108 Iraq. Trip don't look good. Knee injury. Are split up as well now he's not going to don't shock though the whole the whole university. Did you now look to increase tempered reaction of. Yet we we just fire it would give me once I'm just fired our preparers and thanks for me and yeah. Actually open listening to semi new stuff online and looking at your videos and stuff and a great cast Greg Craig gases Killen of where you and and I know they can Leon who I opened for him must. I'm wondering what you miss about Boston. What do I miss about often such beautiful city I love bought secretly more manageable and of elk are originally thought. I never. Dapper. Got to hear it like it with Foster. I didn't walls just. Out there that we had in and out toward my wind gauge which sound cool blue route that blue. And I used to love going down. Charles River. That actual at all that and live music at the barge to help a lot younger and a lot and at Boston a course of you know sports scene and then within border Howard struck the middle of nowhere and I used a lot all of us all the skiing on the weekend in the winter. Watergate. I don't. This can't say that but the right off controlled burn and Byrd doesn't represented there's a lot of room so I'll I would move back the ball in the second. Let's you know but you guys got the connection so. Sent on to your agent you know we could easily oh god here comes your guns Eric and well hey you whooping hollering at Columbus agony this stance to figured you know that for him no we yeah. First of all reported community sacred. I mean car actually driver concept art here at our border what are Roddy says ice and I needed the steps leading up to the microphone to Paris and cells are do you have an outback they're monitored a short little Fella it's your call for. Good old rescission. Great detail what you've been joked that he waited he needed a rope ladder to get interest charted vehicle. You know your own little world actually want. Do you do you remember so narrow the promotion director. He forbid her from wearing the it's difficult yeah. I think there. I I just wanna say hi thank you for the kind words so great to hear from you and you could probably helped me a little because no. He did Iran but I ballot envelope to this day can be believed and they. He believed in me and ask exactly wrong Qatar I need to do night and I know Rodney got here what Abdul knew I had today. And many in the open minded and he changed from army had late since you have been driving off of that and get that content. That's the whole thing in motion and only one in the night and while all. I never got over that and that someone that. You know understand ethnic that was the that was the best thing ever in the break room one day like two weeks on the job UPD a under this new leader could go to notre radio backgrounds so court awarded today we just showed your. I'll be chemistry that we have about oh yeah as. So the mayoral topic that you guys are lucky that got rock trucks. And I I don't I don't usually played forward director. Posted. Opened a very big fat check is in the Rockies and yet he took a huge chance on us open and put together couple to put. I think we lost over a loss of a man while I was let's and I got to tell what an influence he was hear from them yet and also just. Another ace call on. The super agent Rolodex and wow rock hope we'll be back on WAM that's big news right there. I was gonna ask him for some advice which you know have Monica and let them on again so that is the great OP Opie & Anthony days.

This guy said a bunch of words!

Dude, this hilarious passage of 'language' has made me laugh more than anything since Antwan Kumiya.

It's nice to see that AAF has hired Helen Keller to be their audio engineer... WTF?

"This many in neck I teased this we grabbed my agent's cell phone and the celebrity list" - Who the fuck wrote this?