Compound media.. more like safespace media.. amiright gang?

113  2017-01-12 by ihaveaholeinmyass


whoa check out this badass twitter man getting blocked by a bunch of accounts. whoa.

I know.. I'm fuckin nuts I am

This guys an absolute nutter!!


You're like John Tesh ON ACID.

To be honest, John Tesh on Acid doing a radio show would probably be fucking amazing.

they always talk about how they win by blocking you, but the truth is the trolls win every time cause we know they read that shit

Yea, us "trolls" are the real winners. Yuck.

i knew someone will make this exact comment, thats why i worded my sentence that way, but still some people cant help themselves

Just trollin' ya!

Perhaps it's time for a little introspection.

You think this doesn't add to a happy and fulfilling life

Looking through your twitter I would say no.

Wait you're MJ? Dude, you tweet nonstop at people getting 0 interaction and act shocked when you get blocked. It's not because you're "getting them" it's bc you're just terrible at it and annoying.

Yeah, 0 interaction.. i got mentioned by name on Bennington by big jay you fuckin dummy..

You're a dick for bringing that up.

Boy, you sure told him.

You edited that and this is still what you turned up with. Boasting about a #1 post on a ghost town of a sub on Reddit. Did you get a Varsity jacket for that one, Count Cockula?


EDIT thanks for the gold! Wow, #1 post at the moment!

Wow this really blew up! Thanks kind strangers!!! ;) ;P

Please don't brag about minor celebrities giving you attention, man, we covered how attention-seeking it comes off as. Bennington mentioning it doesn't validate it as either cool or humorous. Stop validating your self worth through the spectrum of radio shows.


"I got mentioned by name on Bennington" hahahhahahahhahhhhahhaha. Thanks for making my morning cuntflap. You are the biggest faggot on this subreddit.

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mentioned by name!!!! How exciting for you

He's annoying on here too tbh.

The only valid form of censorship is your choice not to listen to someone. There's a difference between telling a person they're not allowed to say certain things, and simply choosing to not listen to the things they're saying. Peckah.

And ignoring people is a far sharper weapon than giving them the slightest satisfaction of feeling like you read their comment then blocked them or giving the impression that you need a safe space

Can't really argue with that.

Sirius : "Ant, we no longer want to listen to you."

Freedom of association. Look it up.

Look it up.

Guggle it! Look it up!

My goddesses will look it up for me.

that's shortsighted and un-panera bread technician of you. Censorship of some kind existed and was (usually) well used for the last 2500 years, it was needed and still is, it's a big part of what keeps society somewhat on a common track, but it's also a very tough thing to balance and not go over the edge into the deep end like we're doing now. Although it could be worse when people are persecuted for what they say, oh wait... at least we don't burn them at the stake yet.

Does anyone else miss hearing them talk about how much they love blocking people on Twitter?

Yeah, it was fun when people would call in and explain why they should get unblocked.

To be fair though, not everyone trolls. Years ago, Anthony blocked me for a quick joke about a girl he was trying to get with, I just never bothered trying to get unblocked.

No. The "guess who I blocked on Twitter last night" talk was awful. Social media was the death of the show.


It's the death of most things

Look, I WANTED to do 45 minutes on dick cream, OKAY!!!!!!!!! Free speech

lol gj mate

Thanks 😀 That means alot coming from you buddy

So youve annoyed several men and they dont want to deal with your shit? Tell me why im not applauding their decision?

But muh free speeeech!

Yeah they always forget the part about how people are free to not listen. If it was up to those shitchests we'd be like North Korea and have intercoms installed in every house so we can listen to BLM radio all day er'day.

Or the original intent of the statement, that Compound Media as a platform, will not censor anyone for anything. Didn't say anything about anyones personal social media.

Who have they censored from Compound Media?

Youre reaching sir.

Accurate context is reaching?

You think because you're an obnoxious shitheel, that makes them hypocrites?

What a little attention whore

Don't talk about me like I'm not here cunt... what do you contribute to this place? Yeah, fuck all

Uuu and a big head to boot


You contribute to this place by acting like you're a part of it, not above it.

Oh come on... really? is that how it comes off... I'm just responding to someone who would bitch if all this sub was, was "hey remember this old clip" posts....

Yes, that's how it comes off.



Yeeah that works in practice when they're all on your payroll, you stupid nigger.

By the looks of that it seems that Anthony doesn't like freedom of speech at all! I would say he is a hypocrite.

You have no idea what freedom of speech is.

I am shamed by my Ignorance, Sir.

To be fair, Gavin is a canadian.

That explains why he has no problem being a huge faggot.

Tunisians aren't known for being proponents of free speech.

How did you get to be such a tough nigga? Teach us faggot.

Fuck off back to r/compoundmedia and suck ants asshole

You're the gook crying about not being able to tweet at the Compound Nigger crew , I couldn't care less if they all died of AIDS

Who's crying dick face?

Keep panicking and responding with your witty banter. It helps prove that you are one tough gook.

Maybe you're the asshole.

Ya fink?

Shit, I only have 2 of those. Redbar is a rare one too, he mostly just silences people. I have to try harder. Gotta catch 'em all!

If you mention Anthony being a woman beating pedo you pretty much get blocked across the board.. pat Dixons wife blocked me ffs!!

This is not shutting anyone up, it's choosing not to listen

Wow you must be some sorta asshole! Great work buddy

Seriously how embarrassing is this post. You got people to block you on twitter wowowowowow how crazy you must be. Get lost nerd

"You have the right to be offended"-opie

Im on hold

you are right....but hey, at least they're not Opie

Are you sure? isnt it bn long enough that they've morphed into simiar lameos?

That cunt blocked me over 5 years ago. Such an idiot.

I called in asked about Louis CK getting money from the Clinton campaign

And mentioned the reddit and asked about Lady Di

Yeah you're right OP

Because they don't want your stupid, annoying, faggot tweets cluttering up their @ meantions, their policy on media censorship is hypocritical

Good thread

Alt-right faggots censor as much as pussy liberals.

Does your mom know you're using this sort of language in her basement?

Jim, Sam, Tefft-dawg, and Gavin are the only ones who haven't blocked me.

Imagine posting this. The sadness in your life must be immense.

So, I gotta ask, and I know you know the answer, what did you say to get blocked by Gavin? I never figured he'd be the type.

"We at compound media can say anything about anyone, like the time we were going to give out a subcribers personal info because he talked shit!" Freedom everyone, freedom!

Gavin blocked me for not worshiping kikes enough, but everybody else seems cool, even with bantz.

To be fair, blocking your shitty tweets isn't censoring your freedom of speech. It's their voluntary decision to not subscribe to your abuse.

They have the right, it doesn't make them hypocrites. Blocking someone for a mild negative comment though, just makes you a bitch.

You and bill burr fake brother need to meet up irl.