Really Ant? Fought?

18  2017-01-12 by Dennyislife


He bit his way to the top, buddy! But really though Anthony has no clue what really having to "fight" for something even looks like. Poor Opie is fighting for his life every day on air.

Just beat a domestic violence rap because he has money, brags about getting out of tickets because he's friends with cops, sure Ant.

Didn't he tell some story about him and Ol' leaky-ass getting pulled over doing over 100 while he and her were drunk and the cop letting him skate because he was a fan of O and A and channel 11?

No, he's not privileged at all.

He fought his way to the top showing up hungover and doing no show prep for 10+ years.

You have no idea man

Its tough man


Hungover at best. He was straight up drunk for at least a quarter of his time on air overall.

To be fair, he had to work with a clinically retarded man with gynecomastia and a persecution complex. That was probably really hard to deal with.

To be fair to him he worked very hard at the beginning and he definitely wasn't as funny at the start, he worked on that and he's still capable of being one of the funniest people on radio ever

Don't you remember Patrice laughing and basically giving Ant respect for having worked his balls off to make the radio thing work in the beginning? Ant put in tons of extra work. He had a hellish job shitting and pissing in a bucket in his van, installing duct work in small houses around Long Island, sweating in the cramped spaces, it sounds like a horrible job.

I think Ant is complacent now and insulated from what made him funny to begin with but that doesn't mean I think he's privileged or he's not had to work hard for what he's got

We've been laughing hysterically at Ant for 20+ years now, but all of a sudden he's a talentless faggot who didn't work for any of it? I fucking love this sub... how about another "REMINDER: BAM MARGERA blahblahblah"... now THATS good comedy.

This sub is really getting tiring, they turn on everything so fast it's just boring now

lol, from reading this sub, it seems like Opie, Ant, Jim, and Sam are all talentless faggots and for some reason, also "Big" Amy even though she's been on the show like once in the last few years. But everyone seems to still be listening every day. I think this sub wants the Patrice & Da Chippa in the morning. They're the only two people who don't get shit on here.


while snacking on a specific candy bar.

and ofcourse, Anthony blocked him

You have no clue

Eh yeah that's the problem, actually. We know everything about his life, because he spent 20 years telling us all the juicy details. He had to work an average job because he was too much of a bum to finish high school, a job where he looked for any excuse not to have to actually do any work. Oh, he had to go into an attic and it was hot, oh no! What a real pull yourself up by the bootstraps story!

Anthony just happened to be a really funny guy who does two good impressions and then he became famous by biting off Howard Stern bits in the 90s and has rode that wave of success ever since.

So yeah, we know exactly how hard he worked. I wouldn't call it privilege because that's gay, but he certainly wasn't this American dream trope that he envisions himself to be. Just a fucking bum who got extremely lucky during a time when shock jocks were all the craze.

Then called it in 2 years after they got to XM. Then he got even more bored and decided to slowly sabotage himself with his political leanings.

I don't see how maximizing your givin talents and seizing opportunities is not the exact definition of the American dream. Dude didn't like his life so he took a shot at something more lucrative that he was good at and it paid off.

I'm not. But that's not hard work. It's luck. Right place, right time. Anthony is trying to twist it around that he busted his ass for years to get where he is today and that couldn't be further from the truth.

What an easy way to dismiss others success. Ah, he just got lucky.

Yeah, pretty much. Alter the course of history ever so slightly and you never would have heard the name Anthony Cumia. He was not born destined to be a star. Neither was Opie. He skated through life, despite what he thinks.

Alter the course of history ever so slightly and you never would have heard any recognizable name. Put down the container of coffee.

There's a million guys as quick and as funny as Anthony out there. I'm sure everybody knows a few in their personal lives. Thing is most of these quick funny people are content in their lives and not looking for an easy life like Anthony and Brother Joe were.

Anthony got lucky. Right place; right time. 'nuff said. That's not shitting on him. A ton of famous people are only famous because of being in the right place, right time. But that doesn't make their "struggle" worth of the works of Jon Steinbeck.

Jealousy will get you nowhere.

Trust me I am not jealous of Anthony Cumia. I doubt many are.

The first step of recovery is acceptance. Do you attend group? In 4th grade I was very jealous of a classmate because he had gotten a new pair of Air Jordan's. I was out of control and sought counseling. I haven't had a sip of haterade since. You should really look into some support groups.

Thanks! People who use the term "Haterade" are the best people to dispense advice.

Any time. But if you really want to get better you gotta start going to the gym. Go to the gym and eat better.

It's luck. Right place, right time.

It is those things, but I bet it's still harder than it sounds.

To be fair he did have to work with Opie for almost 20 years. That's hard motherfucking work.

Well in that case I take it all back.

Gold please

You didn't do anything

Sir, Knickers is an institution and I won't have you speak to him like that. Gild that man right now and we may let you stay in the sub.

There are plenty of other naturally funny people like Anthony who work extremely hard to make it in comedy and never do. He lucked out big time. Does he really not remember the years of stories he's told about doing the bare minimum at his real job, sleeping on the job and him and his father stealing from their jobs. Welfare leeches enrage me too, but ant acts like he wouldn't take advantage of free money and benefits if he could. His whole philosophy is "fuck you, I got mine." why would he expect a poor person to be morally superior and not take advantage of the system?

Ant believed in the song parody, the dice impressions, that year by year recedes before us. It was hacky then, but that's no matter—tomorrow we will dream up a race rant. . . . And one fine morning——

So we beat on, photographing scaffolding, twitter ranting into the past.

Fought tooth and nail from how the allouction put it.

He was in a bad position in life and working a terrible job and he busted his ass until he got a foot in the door with Opie (and maybe 1 or 2 other radio hosts).

So, yes, he worked hard to have his career in radio. Now downvote me.

Busted his ass by calling into Stern and a bunch of other radio shows trying to catch on and then having his braindead older brother shop around a bad parody song (which it turns out they stole) about OJ Simpson until a braindead DJ brought him on the air because in the beginning he'd work for free.

Yeah, he busted his ass.

And what do you do for a living, character/

I am content in my life.

I'm not sitting in my mom's apartment doing coke with my lunkhead brother trying to come up with a way to shoehorn "electrocute" into an Otis Redding song.

I am content in my life.

I've seen the bizarre shit you post on here. There is zero chance of that being true.

Yep. Bored shit posting on Reddit is the most accurate view into one's life and happiness

To be fair it can't be easy moonlighting as a Tunisian terrorist.

He's right. He fought his way to this position.

Nobody remember he got koed from fighting that black lady

He's in the position he's in because he lost fights with two women.

*three women

Anthony was lazy and shitty at every job he had and then stumbled into radio only because Opie was so bad at it.

What does he say for those of who Anthony has blocked?

He never took any handouts.

No, he just gave a lot of them to his brother.

He just stole equipment from companies he worked for...and dealt cocaine out of his mom's apartment with his brother.

Class act.

He was raised on welfare.

But he did bite them...

He fought through a ton of hangovers!

So now he's admitting he did more than bite?

"Fought" as in sit around and let Jim & Patrice carry you on their backs from one contract to the next one.

He's right, he fought in Times Square & that led him to where he is now…doing a podcast in his basement.

No he didn't. He got slapped around.

True, but I figure getting slapped around & not defending yourself, only to run home & talk shit about it to anyone who'll listen, is Ants definition of a fight.

lol ant takes the bait. I just wanna call him and ask him why 1% get off so easy and why white people must pay blacks for reparations just to see him snap.



Sounds like a tweet Tommy Wiseau would send.


He had to work installing air conditioners for 15 years and then get paid fairly modestly to make dick jokes for a few years before getting DROWNED IN DUMPTRUCKS FULL OF MONEY for telling dick jokes for a few more years. Then he got DROWNED IN DUMPTRUCKS FULL OF MONEY for a couple years after that for literally doing nothing. Then he got paid a scant couple million a year to tell dick jokes for about 10 more years.

The struggle is real!!

He tells a lot of stories of his laziness, but even if he was bad at it he still had a shitty job that is pretty physically exhausting. I've done similar work and I'm sure he has many many more stories of him just being a regular employee but those aren't interesting.

Plus he made it big when he was already an older gentleman. There's really nothing anybody could point to in his path from his early life to now that people could call privilege. Other than wop privilege of losing his virginity at 11.

Any true success or fame in life fell into his hands with a dumb easy radio gig. Fought for his success? Really? His brother took a tape into a place and he could talk on the mic. How is that a fight? Opie did most the business stuff which he openly admitted. ( a fair trade off i guess)

You were a tin knocker who fell ass backwards into an amazing radio gig where you made millions to talk to comics, musicians, authors, etc. AND were lucky enough to go 2 1/2 years being PAID to sit at home with your booze and guns as you waited out a contract. Poor fucking you.

He literally fought a black woman to be where he is today.

He really is an inspiration to us all.

He clawed, scratched and stood on girls hands to get where he is

Top of the Tunisian knife fighting scene

By fought he means wore black face and made a piss poor parody song.



The thick, lustrous hair on the Bobblehead enrages me.

Not to mention the smooth complexion. Who is this supposed to be a likeness of anyway?

Only a privileged person (or an idiot) would think they weren't lucky to land in that position. Lots of shithead "failures" just like him who dont live in upper crust communities.

No, he just gave a lot of them to his brother.

He just stole equipment from companies he worked for...and dealt cocaine out of his mom's apartment with his brother.

Class act.

He was raised on welfare.

But he did bite them...