Adrian's boy pussy

0  2017-01-12 by Scott_Farkus

How can you possibly have 7 fingers in your asshole and not know it?


We don't listen to the show. We have no idea what you're talking about.

Lol I don't

His asshole gets naturally lubed up like a girls vagina

Yeah I heard that. Is that actually a thing? The retarded porn cunt and Norton were both knowingly talking about assholes getting wet when turned on. Surely if your asshole is wet it means you just had a shower or you didn't wipe properly after a dump.

Mary Jean had a few fingers in that idiots orifice then he claims to have fucked after that. I don't see how that's possible

She had her hand around his swollen prostate like a little stress ball til his shriveled scared little pud betrayed him and puked up a big old heapin helpin of boi juice.

She just used her other two fingers like a speculum so she could get a good peak up in there to see what's doin

We already knew he was gay when he took a day off when Fidel Castro died.

Yeah I heard that. Is that actually a thing? The retarded porn cunt and Norton were both knowingly talking about assholes getting wet when turned on. Surely if your asshole is wet it means you just had a shower or you didn't wipe properly after a dump.