Brother Joe is extremely disappointed he didn't get this gig.

1  2017-01-12 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


Well you'd think the Donald would relate to being peed on

When I read the news article the first thing I thought was that it was another of his shit bands. Oh well, maybe White Hendrix can do a free concert on the Mall during the Inauguration.

I saw this yesterday and thought to myself "Holy shit, he actually had a chance." I'm just sad we didn't get the chance to ruin it for him. Hopefully the future White House staff googled his name.

Brother Joe and the rest of 2U will instead be drinking in a basement with an Oingo Boingo cover band, cursing their rivals.

Listen rettidard LIBCUCK!!

WE didnt' want THE gig anyway,

It is kind of sad Trump can't get an actual known entity as his musical act. I'm sure The Nuge would have been down. I think he could have gotten KISS, but Gene would have almost certainly smelled his desperation and done some Jewish price gouging.

Trump has a bad enough reputation with the media thinking he's racist as it is. The last thing he needs is to associate with Joe Cumia in any capacity.

Joe Cumia is a woman hater, I don't think that helped in the decision.