Where we at with the Jim Norton

7  2017-01-12 by randomdewd99

Wrinkly slug who scams truckers to pay cam girls or 1/2 of must listen spunky radio due


Depends on how into the show he's feeling. On any given day he can be a hilarious irreverent funnyman or a noncontributing worm.

He's a cuck

Compared to the shit that Gregg and Tony are putting out, I say Jimmy could be doing a lot worse.

...shuddup stoopid

Well it's the same level of garbage, Anthony's is better only because he didn't try to force meme or go vital


He stinks and I dont Like him!

He stinks..... and I don't like him.


He's getting old and desperate. His old self shined through when he was pissed off at that one caller today though. That's the Jimmy I like.

Love the Norton. Let's go to line... ahhhhhhhhhhhh... line 4. SNOWAYYYY

Nigger lov'n homosexual, money stealing,,rock & roll carnival acts lover and a sometimes funny Cunt......oh and a TV show cancelation expert.

He's a victim of his own reluctance to take a chance with his career. He knows he'd kill with Ant. He knows this Sam shit is mediocre at best and that comedically he's carried the show without anybody to bounce off. He's dying in that room with Sam and will only become less sharp, more safe and less able to recognise good radio. Like Opie or not but when he and Jim had a show they at least had regular comedians in for Jim to play with. Nowadays we're lucky if we get one decent one a week. He's been able to do as he likes, which for him is hang around with porn stars, trannies, boring celebs and UFC fighters. None of which make good radio.

He would kill if he took a chance and set up something with Ant. We saw on Joe Matarese's podcast how fucking unreal their chemistry is. For an hour we had a glimpse of what could happen if Jim didn't rely on the paycheck he gets at sirius and takes a chance.

Right now he's getting bad fast. He's like a fighter without a sparring partner. He's not able to sharpen his comedic ability in that room facing Sam. The JAM show started OK but has spiralled downhill very fast to the point that some days Opie's show is the better listen.

We all love Jim. But this isn't good for him. This isn't working the way we all thought it would.