Anthony biting Dani's hand is the funniest thing he's done in two years.

78  2017-01-11 by cbanks420lol

He probably has hep now.



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sockcucka what's he fawkin a boot er sumpthin

Because he bit her, it means she's slowly turning into a Cumia now. She wakes up black in the morning, her skin rotting, and rants about niggers for a good 2 hours.

Don't forget that her siblings will suddently start demanding an allowance from here.

Her hair turns into steel wool.

But she was doing all that before she got bit. Maybe she's the head Tranth-wolf!!!


As she turns into one

The rare Carlton strikeout.

I'm leaving it.

You own more bombs than Russia! Haha nuke humor

It's not even a joke it's an observation!

A totally accurate observation.

I love you

You're being too kind.

But he kills on twitter!

I'm 90% sure that Anthony got mouth herpes from Dani, a few months after they started dating I noticed ants mouth started getting raw sore looking "pimples" in the same spot on the craters above his lips. When he discussed the whole dani fight situation last January his "pimples" looked extra sore.

It's good that you're keeping your credibility by simply estimating this at 90% certainty.

Me: He was a math rockstar back in high school, brothaman. burp

I'm leaving the 10% for the possibility that Anthony received his decorative face lesions from Sue lightings waxed boy anus.


Biting a heroin addict has to transfer some kind of disease.

I know there are alot of you people here, but you are fucking filthy, with your shitty needle habits.

I only ever snorted it.

ME: I only dabbled with the coke back in my Geneseo days

Just a lil sniff


ME: what does coke smell like? I.. I.. I MEAN THE OPSTER DID SOME COKE BACK IN THE DAY! OF COURSE DABBLEDDD A BIT! BUT I JUST DON'T REMEMBER... that was a while ago.

Same here

Chippin, tsss tsss

Are we absolutely sure she was on heroin? She seemed messed up, but was this confirmed?

Texted with her privately thru this debacle. She just drank heavily and was obsessed with her figure ; rarely eating, always bugging ant for food, not money.

Just spec but also just sayin

This really brings home how much she matters.

She didn't look strung out in the video at all. It's all in the eyes.

Biting a heroin addict has to transfer some kind of disease.

Let's hope so.

This always bothered me about IV drug users. What the fuck is the deal with risking getting aids and shit when a clean needles is what? 10 cents? If that? Don't they also give them away for free in some gay addict centers? Ian, comment?

Its a small percentage that would actually share needles and I think a majoroty of that are homeless.

A 10 pack is like 3 bucks and the needle exchange will give you 30 at a time no questions asked free

Didn't you hear the hilarious time he referenced [insert 40 year old T.V. show/movie]?

I hope he's killed in a home invasion.

Reaches for his trusty sidearm..."WHERE THE FUCK IS MY GUN?"...just as Royston's crowbar swings towards his temple.

Three colored fists crash through the screen door at once

Four years.

You don't think drunkenly ranting about politics on Twitter is funny?

You're saying he has hep? With biting someone there's a high chance of infection. Dani might not live to see 2018.

Biting Sue's penis is funnier. IMO

she just wanted to know if it was Jon Voight's car

Anthony Cumia: A class act

The funniest thing he's done in two years was a tranny

I'm kind of interested to see what Dani is up to these days. Her living situation, etc. Her father was allegedly apologetic to KTC after the arrest. That says a lot. You burn the father/daughter bridge... fuck.

Maybe he caught toxoplasmosis from Beavis. It would explain a lot. We should see what Joe Rogan thinks.

Tranth haiku

Bite hand of trash girl. have frizzy taint hair on head. drink bud light. bad skin.