
0  2017-01-11 by [deleted]



You don't think that the Opie Radio empire is a sustainable business model.


Perhaps he'll be a model.

Good point. Or mathematician.

Or a police interrogator. His dad stuuudied fawwkin body language you know.

Oh shit, you're right. No one wants to be alone with Hudson Hughes in the interrogation room.

Kids see Harry Hater sucking cock - kids beat up Hudson

the money will be gone by the time he's 10 .. opie will spend every last cent trying to stay relevant or as the kids say "viral"

Better start saving up for those cement bags for his lunch at school.

You gotta think that Tits named him Hudson in hopes that he'll take over NYC local FM.

"Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I told youuuuu, my name is a river in NYC arenaaaa. That makes me your local guyyyy. sniff"- Hudson Hughes sans 2037

I think you meant 'circa'

Thank you, broham.

I'd love to hang around with future Hudson and get him interested in heroin.

Massive karma backlash from Opie going so brutally hard after Howard Stern's daughter

They just played clips of her terrible play and made fun of it. That's not even close to how nasty Howard had been to the family members of some rivals.

The kid's a civilian, get a life ya piece of shit.