How is sandy Kane not internet famous?

9  2017-01-11 by Dennyislife


You'd think that dildo fuck shows would be more popular in the web.

Because she's a gross old hag

Not a good combination when your target demo is the same age as pewdiepie's. It would frighten the living shit out of them.

...or dead?

...because she was associated with Opie.

This response makes the most sense to me, because I actually do find her interesting

Another reason to hate opie. She's really funny but you'd never see it that way, because opie always made sure the narrative was "here's another retarded loser in our wack pack, basically another version of Stalker Patti, let's just break her shit and snicker about it so I can get all the attention."

i bet she gives great head

No teeth is nice

I have had that song at the end stuck in my head for 3 hours now.

She has a better knack for writing a tune than Joe Cumia for sure

Hollywood already pushes out enough talentless annoying cunts. They don't need Jew Yorks help.

Sandy Kane is legitimately funny and knows how to put on a good show. A classic entertainer. The polar opposite of Opie.

At least they have one thing in common.