Requests for GaSDigital content?

0  2017-01-11 by TheScarletR

I'm not going to do anything like post every episode of any of the shows but if theres a specific show, or two, that you have in mind I'll upload them.

High Society, Legion of Skanks, Real Ass Podcast, etc. This is the only way I can justify paying for a subscription.


Recent HSR pleeaassee

That's what's up my cuck

HSR 11/17/16 The Curious Case Of Mr. Ray Kump (Ray Kump) HSR 12/22/16 Vietcuck (Ray Kump)

You justify paying by helping others steal their content?

Precisely. Spread da wealth nigga

Your doing gods work son.

I pay for a subscription and you guys upload the videos quicker

Yeah theyre real faggots over there.

Do they have Comedy 101? I want to see that.

Nah they dont, thats Benningtons thing.

Do you have the roast of Big Jay Oakerson? I would love to see Ant's bombing again

I think all of the sets are still on youtube individually. I'll post it thpugh if they arent.

Yeah, I'm watching Ant's set and christ...

Seems that Dan Soder's and Mike Vecchione's sets were erased from youtube tho. If you could upload those that'll be cool.

Will do. Vecchione slayed for like 20 minutes

Cool man, thanks.

For sure, Vecchiones' set was brutal. He had the best material of them all.

I've had a "free" membership since may and I still don't watch most of that shit..RAP is ok at best and Tinkle is fucking terrible, High Society bores me, POTP is boring NPR style talk and I can't listen to it even though I'm a libertarian. Only show worth watching on there is Skanks and it's been pretty hit and miss lately

Your doing gods work son.