Make sure you get your jabs in at Opie before Twitter changes their harassment policy.

1  2017-01-11 by TangerineReam

2017 will probably see a big sweeping crackdown on harassment on Twitter as a whole. The loud SJW's are getting louder about it, and my fellow millennials are leaving to go live on Snapchat and super secret Fb groups anyway, so the company is taking a black eye that they'll need to recover from (that they've already been taking since 2016). Which means lovable scamps like /u/cbanks420lol and others are on the chopping block, if they aren't already.

Opie might not have any sympathy heading his way in the general media and beyond, because he's a rich white man (might be able to argue for the trans angle since he has tits), but that doesn't mean Twitter won't try to do a whole blanket ban on anyone and everyone. A ban on some alt-right idiot, might also mean a ban on someone who disagrees with someone more sensitive in general about things then they are. Maybe in their effort to properly suppress the "racist trolls"; they might wind up killing the site OVERALL. Who knows.



He already has us all blocked.

Opie is a straight white male millionaire. He's still fair game.

Twitter also realized that letting trolls spew venom on their platform got Trump elected.