I know I'm late to this but people actually thought this was "racist"?

3  2017-01-11 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


Late to the party!!!!!! Nigga, the president is pissing on WHORES!!!!!!

No. he's not.

Is this u/cbanks420lol and his 4chan degenerates again?

I'm not clicking anything with 4 or /pol in the url

Yes. It's the President-Elect and he's paying the whores to piss on the bed.

Yeah, I heard the Daily Show spent 10 minutes slamming Bush for the flub

Are giant Cameron Diaz mouths and villian eyes a requirement to host network morning shows?


Pharrell looks like a mix between paul mooney and nefertiti

This is why I hate niggers

It strikes me as awkward and unprofessional when your ENTIRE JOB as an entertainment reporter is to correctly identify the celeb you're talking to and know about their projects. Noam Chomsky has better things to think about--Jenna Bush does not.