Why does Sherrod keep calling Opie money?

0  2017-01-10 by [deleted]



I think he means that he's a literal paycheck.

Because he's green with envy or sumthin

Fawk yea!! Dvv dvv dvvv dvv

Why are you listening to Opie and Sherrod?

Black people used to say it like in 1992. Sherrod was around 25 then and it was the peak of his life first being able to say "Pookie from New Jack City be my cousin, money!"

Saying something is money is pretty old slang wise now. Basically means good. It goes back to the late 80's/early 90's. The Sports Junkies loved to say it when they started 20 years ago, still say it honestly. But basically it's old and out of date so of course Sherrod would still use it.

He stole it from vos's def comedy jam set

It's Ebonics for "good"

Because his cousin paid him to stop him calling him that

Are him and Chris real cousins or "cousins"

I doubt they even know

Black people called other people that the thought were cool, money, in the late 80's and 90's. Today, lame black people call other people money. Sherrod would still be wearing a * ball jacket if the cellar crew did't rip him apart.

Uncle Sherrod you mean.

Because Sherrod's a fucking nigger.