Does anybody else love the fact that, for the past 6 months, Jimmy has persistently been asking/begging Dana to go on location somewhere to shoot "Dana White looking for a fight"?

1  2017-01-10 by [deleted]



I don't listen so I couldn't tell you.

There's 2 episodes with Luis and Jim that was basically more of them fucking around than talking mma. We're pretty good. But other than that, it's pretty awful

It's an ongoing web series and I think Norton is just doing a bit for the podcast. Sometimes Jim Norton is repetitive.

Definitely not a bit, curious boy is feeling rambunctious.

Not saying he doesn't genuinely want to do the show, but bringing it up again and again is filler for the podcast. Not much more.

didnt they kick one of the original guy out? norton is auditioning for that spot right?

Yeah, Nick the tooth. He got shitty because he got twisted into a pretzel while wearing his gyms t shirt.

that dude stinks, who the fuck is he anyway, it seems like all his connection to the mma world is being danas friend, then he got all pissy and cried about getting tapped

You hit the nail on the head. He went to elementary school with Dana, that's it.

More like Nick the fool am I right

He just wants a free trip to Brazil to interview a fighter once and then go get pegged by Brazilian trannies without condoms the rest of the weekend.

If you notice, where Jim goes he doesn't stay long. The UFC podcast is horrible, the Vice show a complete disaster, the Chip cartoon is unwatchable, and his show with Opie was a failure by his admission. The list goes on but he's a talentless not funny, hack.