Dopie didnt get the joke

10  2017-01-10 by Hunter_Cumia


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Beat me to it... this was so fuckin weird... how can you have no reaction to one of the greatest moment in the shows history

Opie said it best, he was an outsider on his own show. It's bad enough that he's not funny himself on a comedy show, but to not laugh or even 'get' why something is funny? That's mind blowing.

This is definitely confusing it makes it seem that you're referring to Opie not laughing. When in fact it was the Cro Magnon jerkoff Sam, who is void of humor.

I don't know if I've ever heard him laugh where it sounded genuine. It's always delayed and fake.

He genuinely laughs at the failure of Scorch

What failure? Scorch has 22 million app downloads, where's Opie's app?

Preach it! Another pfg-ciple here!

You are embellishing Scorch's embellishments. Opie doesn't have an app but he has much better merch. Speaking of which, someone on this sub actually ordered an Opie cup and defecated in it to get approval from people here

he likes when someone is being tormented psychologically. and, well, so do I.

This is about Sam, not opie

The punchline was "I'd go as low as 13"

Ant's hair

Why so serious?

His laughs was reserved for opie

That face is usually accompanied by "stormed into an elementary school and slaughtered twenty first graders."

Or some one without gallery

Or some one without any talnet, got his break in radio by being a kiss ass

Sam Roberts is the Terminator of radio.

Opie slipped on his own shit and landed on a knife. He wasn't backstabbed at all.


Are you being facetious? Because that's what actually happened.

Fuck you alright

From twenty feet away Sam's eyebrows and simian forehead dominate the scene.

It's hard for black people to make other black people laugh

Look at that greasy whop hair hanging out from that cap.

At least he had some at the time. And he had the decency to still wear a hat.

Opie used to mention how he'd just stare while the room cracks up, but start crying in laughter about the stupidest nonsense.

Reminds me of that Feech scene in the Sopranos.

His mentor DDopie

Love Paulie's patented index/pinkie finger point.

but feech didn't laugh cause he didnt want to kiss ass not because he didnt get the joke. thats unfair to a fictional character.

Didn't patrice die that day? I remember Jim saying they interviewed Gary Oldman after getting the call.

patrice also died this day too

i didnt know that weird faggot loved patrice so much

That sounds like an Opie joke.

alright i have seen you white knighting sam roberts in a few posts i now recognize your name

When have I white knighted Sam? All I say is he is better than Opie, not that he's actually good. He sucks and his voice is awful for radio.

You just suck at the jokes thing, that's all.

i wasnt going for a joke, i was making fun of that dude trying to spin this sam robert too cool for the room thing

Yes, I think Jim only knew for sure and the others just guessed by the way Jim ran out to take a phone call.