If we cut Norton in half we would have two of him

48  2017-01-10 by ChippusMaximus


Why, is there a species in nature with that ability that Jim might resemble?

The illusive subterranean adorable huggable boy

He's a highly segmented animal, with the family of HOX genes controlling the development.

not a squirrel, just tried, doesn't make 2 squirrels


His wormminess will reduce 50%

Well I liked it.

One is bad enough.

Regular CHIP off the old block


U fawkin skared me

Fawkin skaredy paaants, you got ghosts in your pants or somethin'

Then each half would only owe the fans $30k.

Name me another man you can slice in half and that man lives on to make waves in radio for the rest of his life?

....and Opie said fine, I will take my half, but Ant said no, I love him too much to do that, Ope can have him. And that is when King Solomon decided Ant was the better radio partner for Jimmy.

.....until Ant went to jail for biting the daughter of Jim's comedy mentor, and Jim realized a 33-yr-old fishstick-addicted pro-wrestling fan was literally the only person balanced enough to work with.

It really is an odd world we have here.


Jim Norton takes the shape of whatever container you pour him into.

took bruce lee's wisdom to heart

Empty your mind...be formless, shapeless...like wata

more like empty your bowels or sumpthin tss tss

u fukken spelt bowel rong

That will be about $30,000 a piece.

Someone cut off his funny bone a decade ago.

No. His blood and guts would probably fall out and he would die

This joke is biologically inaccurate. If you cut a worm in half only one half continues living. </shinkle>

That means two people who can rip off this subreddit. Nioceeeee