Anyone have any advice on quitting smoking?

1  2017-01-10 by iWhereSchortSchorts

I haven't smoked in 3 weeks but I can't stop thinking about it. I've smoked for about a decade and about a pack a day for 4 years. All of my hobbies make me want to smoke.


What do you smoke, buddy?

It gets a little better (managable) after week 4. But it never really goes away.

Good luck bro.

sniff I just want to smoke.

Catch bronchitis or strep throat, that's how I quit the first time. Or just vape like a fag.

I'd rather die like a man than live like a fag.

i hear the oral fixation is leftover from childhood when you used to suck your dad's tiny prick

tsss fawk yeah i found out i have an oral fixation cuz im fixated on getting oral!!!

Try to convince yourself, that you can either suck on a cig or a dick, but not both, having to give up one.

Once you conditioned yourself that way, smoking will not be an issue for you ever again.

I don't like dick though :(

why would you post on this sub otherwise?

Take up xanax or percoset so you won't think about smoking as much.

Fuck benzos...even when I do them, painkillers or even coke I smoke like crazy.

Ha, likewise. When you're fucked up you think smoking somehow "enhances" your buzz. I used to always burn my blankets & whatnot when smoking on benzos....not the best idea.

Literally everything from benzos to weed to sex to stress makes me want to light up. Smoking is the greatest thing ever.

Nothing beats a post sex smoke.

I started smoking at 13, I honestly don't know why cuz it never did much for me, but I loved smoking while on opiates. I quit when I was 18 then picked it up a few more times. Just like drinking, I wish I never tried it, but drinking is awesome and smoking is meh.

holy shit that's the most white trash thing ever

i read Allen Carr's book before I quit and it seemed to help. I would say just put it out of your mind by realizing that the time you spend smoking you can better spend working on something that matters. Also, the money you spend on it is so shameful. Whenever I think about all of the money I threw away on smokes in my life makes me want to never give those fuckers another cent.

Chatty man? Lol


It has a pretty gay reputation, but it's the only nicotine replacement that works

Do you constantly pick up a juicy peckah instead of your vape? Happens all the time I hear

The other way around.

Aww poor guy

Whenever you think about smoking, give your dickhole a paper cut.

You'll be cured on no time.

Try having discipline for once in your life you bum. I rise every morning at 4 and break my back all day just to put food on the table. I wish I could lay about on a day long cigarette break with the likes of you. But I got a job to do. A wife to support. Kids to feed. A cigarette is a luxury this honest, hard working man simply can not afford. So puff another momma's boy. Keep being a humiliating burden to your family.

Just a guy with his lunch pail and container of coffee.

He drinks big barrels of coffee

Plant a garden, faggot. Get some goats and chickens before your back is ruined and you have to go on disability. Although disability is pretty sweet. That's like $1,200 a month to live off of. Righteous bucks.

You should have worn a condom then. Replace kid with boat and nobody has sympathy for you. Fuck you, fuck your family.

Switch to chewing tobacco.. You'll look manlier than someone who Vapes

The first 72 hours are the hardest part. I understand that you're still having cravings, but this is all mental. By quitting for 21 days, you have gotten over the hardest part. You'll absolutely hate yourself if you break now.

I kept myself from smoking by eating...a lot. I got fat at first, but then I went to the gym more to offset it and I was actually able to add muscle during that time.

I quit smoking 7 years ago, so glad I did it. Now, I don't even like cigarettes when I'm drinking.

Lots of quit smoking apps out there to help ya keep track of your quit.

Just have another fag and calm down.

This would be a good question for r/DrSteve.

Real answer: read Allen Carr's book and don't drink booze for a month or two.

Sub answer: go fuck your muddah

Snus, get Snus. Bsically a portioned tobacco bag you put under your lip with different flavours

Quitters never win. #TheMoreYouKnow

Keep smoking. There's too many people in this world.

If you want an honest answer, you just gotta wean yourself off. It's a process, but it's more effective than cold turkey.

Smoke fewer and put more and more time between cigs and relapses until you don't need them anymore.

I wasn't a super heavy smoker, but Goddamn did I fiend for cigarettes when I drank.

After a few months I didn't even crave them at all. I haven't touched one in four years.

I appreciate the honest advice man. I did kind of wean off and haven't smoked in a few weeks but I still crave them like crazy.

You'll probably fuck up a bunch of times, but eventually you will get over it. It sounds obvious, but it's the way it goes. Just keep at it.

If you smoke inside, start by only smoking outdoors. It gets annoying when you have to get dressed just to smoke. Buy a lameass Vapor pen, highest nicotine mg possible. Use it inside. Eventually, you'll quit smoking without even trying. My 100% fool-proof method worked, and I smoked at least a pack a day for 20 years. 3 packs a day on weekends.

3 packs a day on weekends? You're a fucking champ dude.

It's been 3 weeks without 1 cigarette? Stay the course, you are on your way. The cravings will decrease soon. Food starts to taste better. Getting up in the morning gets easier. More money in your pocket. Your clothes don't stink. Keep those things in your mind and you can do it. Fuck cigarettes.

Aww poor guy