tss... my oh my what a wonderful day, or sumthin

114  2017-01-10 by EskimoEscrow


MAN, you always have such great posts, but shit... really lost it huh?

tss..doo da, whaddya poopin' in russian uh sumptin

Fawk yeah!

I think a chip joke just went over my head.

good clean yuma

When I was in high school, I was trying to fuck this one particular girl who worked at the local Shoprite. I'd go in once a week and buy a large pack of cannolis because she'd have to hand-fill them all and I could chat her up.

After a few times, I asked her out to dinner. I took her to Saladworks where she opened up about her love for Jesus and hate for premarital sex. That was the end of that. Thanks for reminding me.

She might've let you stick it in her shitter.

That's why we invented rape culture, sir.

What are the conditions where it shows the edited star and when it doesnt? I always guessed it was if you edited it before anyone else saw it/opened the thread

3 minutes. 180 seconds exactly.

Star of david or sumtin

my david

Maybe she just didn't hated you and wanted to stop you from trying again.

Do you think maybe she just didn't wanna fuck but wanted a free meal?

She just got tired of filling cannolis for your fat ass and she and her friends came up with a scheme to get rid of you.


Tsss Shoprite what am I shoppin left or sumthin? That don't make no sense!

tssss cuz if u dont shop rite ur gonna have a lotta shoppin left!!! HOMERUN CHIPPERSON!!!

Shopleft, Shoprite, what if you Shop Wrong or sumthin? tss tss

Yeah, like if you shop 'till you drop or sumpthin'.

I'm just riffin'.

u herd wut i sed?

how bout a little cake for the chippah?

you've only got 4 days to eat that you fool

OP posts on this sub frequently, I wouldn't worry about spoilage.

However, I would worry about OP living the 4 days.

tss why don't i do da fawkin' custard or something?

Sell by January 13th? 17th? What do I know, I'm nutty ova here! Just gimme a container of downvotes and put me out of my misery.

Oh so there are 16 ounces in a pound. I had no idea.

🎶"We Save you Money!, shoprite, SHOP RITE! Does it Right!"🎶

I never realized how irresponsibly high the goods in the Shop Rite cartoon cart are stacked.

That's an accident waiting to happen rite there.

Shoprite... I miss Long Island.

Well, you don't want to know what happened to Waldbaums and Pathmark. RIP The King lives on though!

yayy pudding

That's what Lamah always says he makes with my mudda.

OP posts on this sub frequently, I wouldn't worry about spoilage.