So is jim and sam's plan to just say as little as possible about titty monster?

0  2017-01-10 by [deleted]

Its the grown up thing to do and hurts opie as a bonus....BUT PLEASE RIP INTO HIM. WE NEED THIS BOYS... we need to be reminded of truth and so on in these dark days


It's actually brilliant they downplay it. They are in the real time slot and Opie so badly wants to start a "Radio War" to try and stay relevant.

This is most likely eating him up more.

He doesn't want to start anything, he knows he will get completely buried. Them not smashing him is pathetic

I want one hour of pure annihilation then they can never acknowledge him again

On one hand, I want them to trash 0pie every show. On the other, I want 0pie to fade into nothingness. I'm torn internally on what to wish for...

Really trying hard to get that "0pie" thing to stick, huh.

How's that working out for ya?

Thought that might have gained a little more traction, didn't ya...

Now now there's no need for gloating fella

They've said shit that made it seem like they were told not to say anything. Like mentioning that Don told them not to spend too much time talking about opie

Tell Don to drop dead on his desk.