can someone find me the episode where lady di calls in because her roommate died? and dr steve calls in?

9  2017-01-09 by sleasyPEEmartini



7-29-2014 Starts at 6:15.


Bill's last conscious moments were likely slung over a toilet, watching blood pump out of his mouth, drowning - struggling to breathe as his lungs filled up with fluid, while Lady Di shrieked from the couch asking if Bill was okay. Over. And. Over. What a horrifying way to die.

Yeah, imagine if the last sound you heard was Lady Di's voice.

At least he had some decency, and didn't die vomiting his guts into the sink


The sad thing is that her puking in front of "America" Ferreira was the only worthwhile thing she has ever done in her life.

Come on she's serving our country on the S.S Looney bin

Within a year and a bit she went insane. I remember her singing a Monkees song on this show and it being strangely touching.

yea i heard that one where she calls in saying shes in the navy again or on a ship or something and shes actually in some sort of mental home. that shit helped me quit drinking. real talk

I work in a mental home. She'd fit right the fuck in.

theres on video where the stillframe used is a bunch of photos of her.. she used to be a pretty young gal. its really is amazing what booze will do if you let it

She was never pretty, just prettier in retrospect.

How many patients have you raped?

Literally or figuratively?