
12  2017-01-09 by Crownenberg


"Hey is that jerry?"

I'm just gonna come out and say it, this fucks. Am I right?

He could have hid his memory sticks and phone under one of his tits and they'd never find it.

didnt know Erock was into that stuff....

Oh, uncle Roland. "Come sit on my panniculus."

But he looks so normal

/u/theronin23 comment?

I believe he's dead actually


Da man so fat he use his bellyfold for a hand warmer.

lmao pedophiles almost always look exactly like they should

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

Why aye!

I can't believe he got bail.

He seems like an alright guy, why you hatin'?

Maybe kids these days shouldn't be so sexy. Ever think about that?

I suspect he'd rather be inside now he's made the papers/internet

And now to see which account stays inactive...

Roland, ah shit.

Fat people are so fascinating to stare at.

The prosecutors name is Laura Lax? She should be on a pole at a biker bar with that name. It's not even a good enough name for porn ffs.

That is the greatest picture I have ever seen.