Jim: I had an idea about that. *acting sheepish* Sam: Oh? What was that? Jim: Oh... you know... I can't say. Sam: Oh cool.

2  2017-01-09 by Acatalepsia



Hey, ya spellt that woid rong dummy!

Fuck Sam. Fuck Jimmy. Fuck Opie. Fuck Anthony. Fuck all of them. THE FUCKING SHOW'S BEEN OVER FOR ALMOST THREE FUCKIN' YEARS ALREADY. LET IT GO.

and yet, here we all are.

To be honest, i don't listen to any of the shows. This sub is its own entertainment. The Vos Plugs/BroJoe Mouth Spitting/FatAmy shit is funnier than the show has been in a decade now.

And yet, sigh, and... yet ...

We should just post about anything here. Why make it about a dead gay show.

NEVER gets old.

They talk back and forth for 750 minutes a week and you fucks love screaming about 11 minutes of it.

The 11 minutes were actually interesting though.

Better then sniffs and dead air for minutes, be grateful you fuck

They suck, just not as much as tits.