How does a person like this exist?

54  2017-01-09 by ihaveaholeinmyass


Thankfully, he isn't real. For a man that has 300,000 followers routinely getting 3 retweets on his "gold" you can rest well knowing this is a paid individual who doesn't know who Opie is.

I get more retweets from my @midnight hastags

You do deserve a reward for being able to tolerate Hardwick

Oh, I don't watch the show (or any show for that matter, TV blows), just take part in the hashtag contests they have every once in a great while.

On IG if you hashtag anything with #vegas an army of click bots nearly instantly like it. Stav said it works with #instagay too. But I wouldn't know anything about that malarkey.

I would assume you're at least doubling the Opster's numbahhhhhs

It's not real, it's from a click farm in Bangladesh.


If you pay them to...

I don't believe he is.

Back when it was the Opie and Anthony show on Sirius XM, you had both Opie and Anthony bashers listening which made it fun especially when Ant gets angry over callers about taxes and the blacks, however with the schism, the only people listening Opie are the Opster fanboy(s) while the only people listening to Ant are fanboys willing to pay for subscription so no more fun just dickriding.

lol notice how fanboy doesn't say Opie isn't funny but that he brings funny regulars.

He may have a chance at redemption... Show him the cakestomp video.

I'm more speechless by that comment than I was at seeing the planes hit the trade center.

At least that was logical to some small segment of the world.

It's an account created by Opie himself. He is so void of any creativity that he named this faux fan "Greg" with one G.

Oqie stole another bit from scorch it's called get your staff to write positive feedback "gregsays" good one erock

It was funny during the Opie & Jim couple of years when all the sycophant faggots on twitter were telling them their show was amazing & going great & then eventually Norton & even Tits himself admitted the show was shit.

These people are easily entertained unperceptive retards.

Chris Destefano ain't that bad...

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.

Tits Raqio paid a viral marketing site thousands of dollars for people to say this....wait? Am I ruining the bit?

He was "recruited" by Viral-Spiral, a company out of England (So it's obviously pretty important). Just like Amway, Mary Kay and Herbalife "Recruit" people, he's involved in the social-media version of a pyramid-scheme. Speaking of which, what ever happened to the funny-mofos?

Easy, you pay for it and they become a person who likes you. Why do you think he has 360k followers and every tweet has like 2 or 3 likes?

Where's Video when you need him?

It's like Skip Bayless logging into (or thinking he did) his alternate twitter accounts to give his new show fake upvotes.

On IG if you hashtag anything with #vegas an army of click bots nearly instantly like it. Stav said it works with #instagay too. But I wouldn't know anything about that malarkey.