TIL it's possible to get banned from a "comedy" subreddit for making a joke!

8  2017-01-09 by RamonFrunkis


this country is a fucking kindergarten class thats why

Whining about getting banned from a subreddit is what happens in grad school I guess. The reason why none of this fake free speech stuff gets any traction is it all amounts to I went into someone elses yard, didn't follow their rules, and am mad I got kicked out. Everyone inherently understands that, bitching about it is literally bitching for bitchings sake.

shut up commie

That applies when it's a subreddit, but Twitter bans are garbage

Leave your sick fantasies out of this.

Ok, lets see the "joke".

You probably just photoshooped a black guy and a monkey.


This sounds funny, pls post.

What was the joke?



What was the joke?

Was it.....How do you confuse and frustrate a nigger? Hide his welfare check in his work boots.

Or......Two Jews walk into a bar in Alabama and say to the bartender, "Hey, do you know where Jews hang out at?" And the bartender says, "See that tree out there?"

Two Jews walk into a bar and through wise financial planning and shrewd investment techniques, they eventually become the owners of that establishment.

two jews walk into a bar mitzvah

go to break

That's not a laughing matter.

A Jewish kid asks his dad for $50. His dad says "$40? What do you need $30 for?"

Club Soda Kenny has a cartoony

The joke or FTFO

Op, you are a useless gobshite. At least let us judge your horrendous joke! Fucking screen cap of an automated message. You suck.

I copy/pasted and linked to the joke yet people are still complaining and clamoring for it. Whether this is a really lame troll or not just shows our true colors.

No you didn't.

[F]irst ban, please be gentle c:

Apparently you can't link to a sub you're banned from. Ooops/

That's weird, Reddit is gay.

Do they ban for making shitty jokes? If they do then you can't be mad.

Also what even the fuck is this subreddit? You can only take shots if you attack white people. Cool.




It's proving tricky to work around this.. but here's the joke that doesn't exist anymore.

"Le narwhals midnight bacon for 2 am chili!", a low level post of pristine pandering by /u/IShoppedABrickWallToShowImAREALComedianNotAnAmateurCivilianMic-er

What's the deal with P90?

I tried it once and the only thing I shredded was a bunch of

Counter-Terrorists in Global Offensive!

But seriously, folks, I needed a spark in my shitty life so I tried circuit training once.. I was like.. where's the

circuit breaker

for this

re-volt-ing idea?!

Rich Vos will be performing at Helium Buffalo tonight, tomorrow, and New Years Eve in Buffalo, New York.

If you made this all up as a way to get people to dig through 9 comments and 4 screenshots just to get Vos rolled, you're amazing.

Serves you right. Nobody wants to hear about Vos.

If that was really the joke then someone should have cut off your balls and force fed them to you.

That sub is a comedy graveyard and I want to punch CJ Hernandez's cunt in just because of that awful smug pic he uses.

freedom isn't free, no there's a hefty fuckin' fee. and if you don't chip in that buck o' five who will?