(CLIP -- 1/8/17) Cum Town talking about their Legion of Skanks appearance with Anthony Cumia

33  2017-01-09 by braunheiser


Thanks /u/jmueller2012 for the heads up

My my, how your star has risen since last year.

I should start calling you tefftheiser.

I can see why you went to prison.

this and the LOS were great

What is this garbage? Who cares? No one outside this sub knows or gives a shot about Andy Cumia

That's probably why he posted this thread in the opieandanthony subreddit.

Good point.

Fucking dummy

No. you are.

What a bunch of assholes

Can't listen right now...what's the gist?

Ants funny but cant shut up about race

Well.... no shit.


at least he has a reason

They're upset ant had to bring up the kidnappin on the podcast. But went on to wax his balls a little.

Oh ok...thanks.

Sure thing. Gold please.

He's back, ladies and gentlemen!

Ant thought it wouldn't be classified as a hate crime because so many other similar cases have been swept under the rug. These guys pretending they knew all along is bullshit.

It was 100% it would be classified as a hate crime. If they hadn't recorded themselves doing it, and it hadn't gone viral. Then they could possibly not do the hate crime classification. But at that point, they had no choice.

The first thing the cops said wasit it wasn't a hate crime.

A lot easier to say that in hindsight though...

I said it before they charged them as well...

Well, that's a feather in your cap...

Tsss.. or up his butt or sumpin..

The first press conference the cops gave they said it wasn't a hate crime and the things they said were just motivated by "kids trying to go viral" or some shit. It is not hard to see why Ant would think that

Has it been put out there that the hate crime is one of black v white and not black v retard? Might his whiteness be overcome by his retardation? Will his subpar intelligence give the media what it needs to continue their narrative about cracker ass crackers by still charging them with a hate crime but not as a factor of race? Cause he was a little slow.

Boy, the lamestream media must be doing a great job of covering those up because I haven't heard of one other case of black teens kidnapping and torturing a retard, let alone many.

"Similar" as in similar in motive. (The crimes are often a lot more serious then this case.)

Boy, the lamestream media


I can't believe he went there.

I like nick mullen but why does he bitch about this shit afterwards on his own podcast? Why not just say what he was feeling to ants face?

If you watch the LOS video he was sitting across from Ant and was pretty clearly annoyed during some of this stuff

he was visibly annoyed.

My god.

Who cares if he was visibly annoyed? He should have at least had some sort of debate with ant it would have made for some good radio. Could you imagine if bill burr or patrice sat silently when ant went on his rants?

Political debates: the cornerstone of hilarity

Or his cohosts the last few years the show was together?! Can you imagine that? If someone was so unaware that they made the same rant day in and day out despite everyone around them clearly not wanting to hear it?! Nah, couldn't happen.

I think the point he and Stavros we're making wasn't that he was wrong and they wanted to correct them, but that they're comedians and that they wanted to joke around. So arguing would've been counterproductive.

I dont like Nick and I also sont want to hear him whining anywhere ever

It is a comedy show though. I assume Nick knew it would devolve into a political argument

Political arguments can be very funny just listen to ant and patrice argue over race.

Those were two great friends who could get vicious and still laugh it off. Nick and Ant dont know each other like that.

They're not that close. Period.

I guess he's not that kind of comic?

He is creating heat right now with his podcast and the way he does everything passive aggressively.

This is the way people want it, they want to pick apart people's stuff and be the one to inform the other party what so and so said about them.

The type of comic to speak his mind and be funny or make good points?

The only places I hear Cumtown is getting "heat" is from themselves when they go on other people's podcasts and from the same few posters spamming them on here.

Eh, Pepe Frogs was a good line. I didn't lol but I dug it, as a radio dude he isn't bad. Never seen his stand up, probably wont, he seems like one of those comics that needs to write down his jokes to be funny, instead of being funny in the moment.

I have never seen or heard of Cum Town until he started talking shit, this forum seems to be filled with die hard radio fans. So when some posters spam him here I end up listening if it has to do with a radio character I know.

Any heat for a radio show is good. This sub is the only reason I know what O&A are doing, I don't listen to either of their shows, but for some reason I know every move they make.

I'm not going to defend him for not just saying what he thought, but I will say that Cumtown is legitimetly good. I finally gave it a shot over the weekend, and now I'm burning through episodes. I think Mullen could seriously end up a big name in comedy. He is super funny.

go to /r/cumtown for the premium episodes.

Fuck off

I don't want to spoil it for you, but just wait until you get to the six hours of hilarity about blenders. Truly riveting stuff these guys have going.

Because he's a pussy and like all these other pussies they just go on each other's podcasts to advertise their own.


Pew pew pew BOOM

Have LoS ever addressed how badly they lost that war in the long run?

That's the bit.

Anthony sucks, Cum Town sucks, LoS Sucks.


hot take over here!

Nick just described the last 2 years of O&A...

Thats what you get for loving hardcore libs.

I just listened to the Skanks show. He has a point of course, it's not something that hasn't been said here a thousand times. But on this occasion Anthony didn't bring it up it was Luis that wanted to get into it and play the video because he hadn't seen it and was saving it for the podcast.

maybe im desensitized from too many ant rants but, he was pretty subdued on los, he didn't even get into a good lather

He wasn't bad at all... I'm starting to think Cum Town trying to use the internet's hatred of the O&A universe to propel their podcast a little.

yeah you're right Mullen was being the politically sensitive faggot here here.

maybe mullen and pigboy are just faggots.

Every person on this podcast sounds like the same guy.

Same thing every time. Mullen hides his far left politics for when he is on cumtown. He basically assumes the identidy of whatever podcast he goes on while Stavros does nothing but cackle in the backround.

Stavros is so fucking annoying, he's just Nick's yes-man. It doesn't matter if something was funny or not, he'll laugh regardless. Reminds me of when Opie pulled back the curtain a little bit and said radio shows like to have people laughing in the background, that way listeners will think it's funny even if it's not. Opie was actually right for for once.

Stavros does have an annoying ass laugh but he is funny so that makes up for it IMO

I don't think he's that funny, actually.

Taste the cum. Feel the cum. Be the cum.

I like Nick, but Ant didn't even bring it up. Luis or someone else did and specifically asked Ant about it. He's also wrong about the "immediate" hate crime charge. The hate crime angle was being downplayed by the cops at first so that's what caused the backlash. Without the backlash there's a chance those charges might not have been added.

Asked about the shouts of “fuck Trump” and “fuck white people” heard in the video, police commander Kevin Duffin said they would form part of their investigation into whether the attack constituted a hate crime. He added that investigators were attempting to determine “whether or not this is sincere or just stupid ranting and raving”.

“This group of individuals was not traveling around looking to apprehend a white man,” he said. “He was not targeted because he was white.”

The police commander was right in his statements. It's extremely difficult to convict on hate crime charges. No prosecutor wants to prove hate crime when they have other objective charges. Motive was not about race. The motive was that the kid had gotten the better of the black kid during play fighting and they escalated it to kidnapping and torturing the tard.


They kidnapped the kid because he beat one of them while slap boxing. They could have said anything racist after that, but that doesn't make it a fucking hate crime.

Dylan roof did what he did because they wouldn't let him do communion, he just wanted a sip of that wine but they wouldn't let him

Well, yeah, he was under 21.

Nick Mullen sounds like a CUCK glad I have no interest in listening to his shitcast

hes funny

Thought that LOS was the most listenable thing to come out of the OA universe in a while. Only thing Mullen should be bitching about is how that obese greek diner manager's laugh killed every moment. Can someone who listens to cum town explain? Is that the bit? I grimaced every time he opened his greasy mouth.

It's a shame that's the only thing Nick took from the LOS appearance. For 2 hours him and Ant were killing it. Both were hilarious throughout. Yet Ant get's asked about Chicago and doesn't even say that much and that's it?! He's now an asshole?! What a prick.

Nick prefers to bring it up in his lefty bubble with his lefty friends so he doesn't get intellectually challenged. It was a bitch move.

Nick is funny but this is a chickenshit move and Anthony wasn't at all forcing any discussion on LOS.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure it was Luis that brought it up

nick and stavros are annoying and not funny.

ant is kinda annoying too

Nick's habit of being a passive aggressive little cunt won't help him win friends or influence people. It's no wonder that he still has to turn tricks to pay the rent.

dont think he cares about being liked

I love Cum Town but it's starting to really annoy me how they want to use O&A to gain fans, going on their shows, getting mentioned on here, but at the same time virtue signal to their lefty irony twitter friends by shitting on Ant/Jim/this sub behind their backs on premium episodes. They are very bitchmade. They sound awful in this clip, and got so many things wrong, not to mention how transparent they come off like.

When did they shit on this sub?

Ant replied to my tweet snitching on Mullen. Talked about it on Cumia Show. He's PISSED

uh oh. the last thing we need is a mad nibbler in the loose.

This retard needs to take his own advice about leaving politics out of his comedy.

tuck, 2 millennial lib faggots.

mullen and pig boy stavros just committed career suicide.

Nick stinks. Really mediocre humor...adult swim lite.

I really can't understand why these guys got so much hype from this subreddit. Bunch of whiny faggots.

Nick is a bigger worm than Norton, and Stavros is a Bob Kelly rip-off with a worse laugh than Fran Drescher.

Their podcast name is 'Cum Town' and the podcast logo is of I assume to be the name of said podcast in the calligraphy of cum stains. These people need to be thrown into a fucking oven.

They're not wrong...

That's the bit.