Is Warpig Rhonda Rousey or Big Amy Schumer less talented in their industry?

1  2017-01-09 by bobomobile

Id go with Schumer. The hate that Rousey got, was useful & helped fans have a cult hate of her coach Edmond the Armenian & Travis Browne.


rhonda rhousey's fat older sister was never funny, rhonda did in fact beat-up those other women, which was pleasing to watch

Big Amy is far less talented, has to pay people to write and steal her material for her.

People would like Rhonda a lot more if she would have better sportsmanship and acted like less of a diva.

I used to think Amy was funny and cool being just one of the guys. But I've listened back and realized she was just imitating the comedy cellar table comics. Say something self-deprecating. Say something offensive and outrageous. Say something insulting. But say it like a flirtatious cockteasing tomboy. She was essentially imitating Jimmy. She built her bona fides imitating and repeating those guys, got Jeselnik and Metzger to write her decent material and then stole the rest with her sister.

Ronda won the bronze for judo when she was still practically a child--everyone one seems to be thinking that her training is what has diminished her talent.

everyone one



Happens to everyone one

Jim was Edmund and big Amy moved on

Unlike Amy It would actually be a feat of talent if Rhonda were to steal a finish.

They're both undeservedly compared to men in their industry.

the real question which of these fuglies is the more plowable?

Ronda's stock is down right now but she was pretty badass for a good while. Amy steals jokes

Oh I like this debate and it's a tough call. While I have very little respect for either I find Rhonda way more annoying.