Should Gavin get 1 less show per week & give Dixon / Berg a show to replace?

0  2017-01-09 by bobomobile

Gavin repeats way too much content & he has less show time than Anthony.

Shows with Anthony & no guest are better than most of Gavin's stuff.


Nobody watches any of that dumb shit.

those drunken fags can do what they want with any of that shit its not going to help


Not a big Berg fan, and I think Pat is hit or miss. More miss than hit, too.

Not that I think Gavin's show is clicking on all cylinders either, though. I'd prefer it staying the same.

Isn't it weird that the network is filled with people who should be just contributing instead of hosting with the exception Geno, who's a great host that contributes nothing?

You can skip through Gavin's episodes and anywhere you stop there's a 95% chance he's repeating a story or anecdote for the 500th time. People complain that Anthony repeats material but Gavin is on another level.

This fucking fag thinks people subscribe to the Cumia network!